There’s a New Kid in Town By Bob Jackiewicz Self-discovery and alignment. Two themes that have lately arrived on the scene. In all fairness, they’ve always been present. What’s new about these themes? It’s the direction they’re taking. Self-discovery is part of the human evolutionary process. Energetically aligning with discoveries moves us along the path […]
The Elohim: Ascension Opportunities and Restoring the Connection between your Sacred Heart and Cells
by Davey Greetings We are the Elohim, We come to you this day with a message with great hope, joy and blessings. We hope that you will understand this even though your outer world appears to tell a very different story. We ask you to go deeper within yourselves and find that spark […]
Peace is Our Destiny – Part 1/2
I can’t regard what’s happening in the world as theater because people are dying – on all “sides.” James Gilliland put the matter well: “Self-righteousness that stems from spiritual ego or narcissism is usually an attribute of the leaders of division. They will gather as many people around them to validate their position [as possible] […]
Peace is Our Destiny – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) The way of the future is peace. If Ascension is our destiny, then peace will automatically reign. There’s no reason for war on the Fifth Dimension. One has all that one wants. The folks still clinging to the belief that war will ensure that they achieve their ends won’t be […]
Council of Light: Dark Into Light
by Rebecca Couch Beloveds, These are the days that you have been anticipating forever! Who would have thought that they are upon you now…are you ready? Being ready is a state of mind of course, which is a neutral willingness to become all that you are meant to be. The time is now. The […]
Whistling Gypsy: Memory Cannot Hold Such an Experience
Out of my great desire to have “Whistling Gypsy” put pen to paper, and with his permission, I post his further comments on his experience of God-Realization. Thanks for your kind words, Steve. However, “I” can take no credit whatsoever for either the experience or the download. It was pure grace…. totally undeserved grace. I […]
The Impact of the Divine States
I’ve been convinced since the late 1970s that awareness was not neutral, but dissolutive (my word). It dissolves our upsets. This has been for me an hypothesis and I sought my proof among ascended beings, on and off planet. If I painted an interior thing or event with awareness and simply “be’d” with it, my […]
We’re the Newsmakers Now
OK, OK, OK, so we’re days, weeks, months away from that statement being absolutely and tangibly true. But the point I want to make is that it won’t become true until we make it real as a context and begin to live from it. I assert that lightworkers are in fact the newsmakers, even now, […]
Linda Dillon: Mother Mary Invites Us: “Come and Play with Me”
I ask of thee, “What is your intention for your new life? What is your intention for joy? How do you intend to spend the rest of your life on planet?” ( Channeling: Greetings, I AM Mary, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of One, Mother of all. And yes, I step forward first, this day […]
Lorie Ladd: Message from Your Guides
Lori’s guides were insistent that she share.
Danna Beal: Happy New Year – Lessons I Learned from Bob Beale! My dear friend of thirty years, Bob Beale, died a few days ago. Some of you knew him as one of the early ACIM supporters, some of you knew of him as an amazing business consultant and author, and many of my close friends knew of him from me–because I spoke so often of […]
Matt Kahn : Self Love is the Ability to Be Good to Yourself
(email) Self-love is the ability to be good to yourself, no matter who is or isn’t good to you. As your self-worth elevates by treating your heart to the friendship, support, honor, and validation you deserve, you become less resonant with those who say one thing and do another, make promises only to break them […]
Live Fully by the Andromedans – Your Personal Ascension
Channeled through Natalie Glasson Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa, Greetings to you beloved and benevolent beings. We are the Andromedans, we come forth in love, respect, and to inspire and remind you of the truth existing within your being. We come forth with high vibrations to surround you as this is needed now […]
Awake and Empowered TV
Thanks to Len. A new online TV channel (new to me, that is), Awake and Empowered TV features Ethann Fox and Michaela Sheldan. It joins London Real, Gaia, and other alternative ventures, in presenting a new, voice to our social-media suite of reporters. About Ethan Ethann Fox always had a feeling that he had […]
‘Without Empathy, Nothing Works.’ Chef José Andrés Wants to Feed the World Through the Pandemic
By Sean Gregory, TIME, March 26, 2020 Not many people were getting on airplanes in the U.S. on March 12, and even fewer were heading for the Grand Princess cruise ship. COVID-19 was discovered among the ship’s 2,400 passengers after it set sail from Hawaii, making the vessel about as popular as the Flying […]