Again, another chance find while looking through First Contact database on energy. In 2007 Matthew Ward discussed what will happen to Illuminati wealth and how exploited nations will be tended to after the Reval. Add to this what Hatonn said to me earlier this year: “Hello, my friend Steverino… “This is Hatonn. You are worrying […]
Four Point Plan, Until Ascension – Part 3/3
(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.) I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes a Four Point Plan. So what is the Four Point Plan? I’ll be proposing the following plan to the Government of Canada and, from […]
Four Point Plan, Until Ascension – Part 2/3 (Book)
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes a Four Point Plan. Meanwhile, soldiers are rescuing trafficked children in deep underground military bunkers. They’re breaking up trafficking networks around the world. They’re […]
Archangel Michael: Work Beside Us as Partners
I’m writing an article on the Company of Heaven’s comments that humanity was not ready years ago for some truths but they are now. In the course of it, I came across what I feel is a remarkable conversation with Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, on how to approach the delicate matter of saying I […]
The Reval is the Mother’s Plan
The Reval is the Divine Mother’s Plan? Well, of course it is. The Mother tells us: “If it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (1) How then could something as extensive as the Reval be occurring and be supported by celestials and masters and not be a part of her Plan? […]
What’s the Original Purpose of the Reval?
A review of what our sources are saying and have said on the nature and coming of the Reval. Mother, what was the original purpose of the Reval? Divine Mother: … What you think of as the re-evaluation was structured a long, long time ago [at my request], under the auspices particularly of Sanat Kumara […]
Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship
In line with my desire to encourage more reading of the books in our Downloads Page/Library, I’m reposting some earlier introductory articles with the books attached. From 2017 Always optimistic, I’ve expanded the e-book, Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship, to assist lightworkers, after the Reval, to get themselves oriented philosophically. You won’t find tips on money […]
Archangel Michael: Reval Meant to Heal Wounds from 3D Paradigms
I was looking for a quote on interdimensional travel in the First Contact database and came across a most interesting discussion from Archangel Michael on the whole purpose of the Reval. Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 10, 2017. Why this is a global event is because there […]
We’re the Newsmakers Now
OK, OK, OK, so we’re days, weeks, months away from that statement being absolutely and tangibly true. But the point I want to make is that it won’t become true until we make it real as a context and begin to live from it. I assert that lightworkers are in fact the newsmakers, even now, […]
Not Having Answers not a Valid Reason for Keeping World in Poverty
The basis of so much opposition to making things free for people appears to stem from the view that people are at base sinful, evil, unreliable, self-serving, etc. According to this view, if we remove the need to work, everyone will become dope-smoking hippies, polluting the beaches, etc. I have three objections to that view. […]
The Divine Mother: What is Transpiring with the Reval? (2018)
In looking for a quote from the Mother on the infinite mystery of her being, I came across a remarkable one on the Reval as her wish, her Plan. I repost it. Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018. Divine Mother: … What you think of as […]
The Center is Where I Need to Make My Home
Two of the things that concern me about life after the Reval have to do with our impact on other people; specifically, the employees of our foundations. Let me paint a scenario in which the two factors play. We’re now the head of a large and wealthy humanitarian foundation. Several waves of the prosperity program […]
We Can Choose to Be Audacious…. – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) It will require courage, audacity, and heart. Yes, it does require that and it requires it from us every day, day by day. I remember having a shining transformational experience in a Communication Workshop and coming home glowing like a light bulb, only to have my then-girlfriend shout at me: […]
Are We Ready?
I go where I’m guided and right now that guidance is in a financial direction. I mentioned earlier something that Cdr Hatonn volunteered in the middle of an exchange with Suzy Ward: “Steverino … You are worrying needlessly. You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available. “St. Germain’s […]
Bibliography on NESARA/GESARA and the Reval
Attached is a bibliography of financial readings that may assist you to anchor when you go for your currency exchange and after. I’d love to say that I’ll be updating the list, as good contemporary sources get published, but my workload precludes it: Bibliography The Reval “Currency Exchange Procedure,” Sept. 7, 2020, at […]
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