by Daniel Scranton
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
You will notice changes happening, both inside of you and outside of you, more rapidly because of the number of people you have on planet Earth today.
This is a collective ascension. It’s a universal ascension, and there are more coming in all the time to help. There is more help coming from the nonphysical and the higher realms as well.
And so your role there then is to sense things, to notice things. It is to become more aware. It is to become more open. You don’t have to do it all yourselves, even though those of you who are awake are in the minority. You still can relax and rely upon the soul energy that is fueling all the bodies there on Earth and the nonphysical energy that is coming from the higher realms.
You also have help from physical e.t.s, of course.
I don’t want to forget them or that, but those of you who are in human bodies on Earth and who are awake tend to take on a lot of responsibility. You tend to put too much on your shoulders, and then you mistakenly think that you have to do it all with your words, your thoughts and your actions.
I want to tell you that you can sense energies. You can tune in. You can ride waves. You can work vibrationally, and that makes it a lot easier upon all of you who have taken on the role of those who would awaken first.
It doesn’t make you better than anyone else.
It doesn’t make your souls more evolved.
It’s just a choice for an experience, and you made that choice, and you still have to see everyone else as being just as important, just as relevant to this shift in consciousness that is happening.
It is happening now, and it will be completed at some point. I cannot say when, because things are always moving and changing, but you all must realize by now that things are going to get better, and when other new agers are telling you, ‘No, no, no, things are going to get worse,’ you have to use that ability that you have to sense and feel to determine for yourselves whether you want to join them on that timeline.
You don’t have to join anyone else in their story, and you can be of service to everyone else without joining anyone in their misery and their suffering.
It is important and appropriate for you to have compassion for those who are suffering, but you don’t need to join them, and you don’t need to take on anything that is theirs.
Your job is to offer the high frequency, to maintain the stability for the collective, and to recognize that you have so much help and that this isn’t a journey about action.
It’s not about getting things done. It’s not about how many videos you make or how many books you write or how many courses you create.
You can do all those things as an expression of who you really are as unconditional love, but nothing hinges on whether you do those things or not.
Your presence there is what’s important, and the more presence you have, the more you are willing to hold your consciousness in your body and be present with whatever is in front of you, the more you are contributing.
I know that it’s more interesting and exciting to make it more complex and complicated than that, and I know that a lot of people are making it more complicated than that, but again, use your ability to sense, to tune in, to be aware.
And know that your path is the path of ease, the path of joy, the path of fun, the path of creativity, peace, calm, and you are leading humanity when you choose that path.
It is that easy, and it is that simple, and I’m going to keep making it simple for all of you, because I want you to enjoy the ride and because I love you.
I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”