In line with my desire to encourage more reading of the books in our Downloads Page/Library, I’m reposting some earlier introductory articles with the books attached.
From 2017
Always optimistic, I’ve expanded the e-book, Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship, to assist lightworkers, after the Reval, to get themselves oriented philosophically.
You won’t find tips on money management or explanations of how the economy works in there. I’m setting out on that journey myself, just as you are.
What I’ve tried to do here is provide the context for matters like financial wayshowing, stewardship, lightworker leadership, building Nova Earth, and a world that works for everyone.
That last one might raise a few eyebrows, but there’s no need for surprise. A higher-dimensional world, in which we experience higher-dimensional love, would work for everyone. I’ve been there. I know it for a fact.
When we’re in a state of higher-dimensional love, we do what works and what we do works – as a wise man once said.
But this is us working towards being in that higher vibration of love. Until we reach it, we try to follow the ways most friendly to it. Being kind and loving, sharing generously and compassionately, setting disagreements aside, not judging.
This is also us first building the philosophy of a new world and society (the infrastructure) and, then, a world that works for everyone (the superstructure).
Dreaming big and building big, going slow and building well, irrigating the planet and cleaning up the Earth are all looked at in this book.
You can download it for free or you can give a whopping big donation to the team through the Hope Chest. We’re fine either way.
We have a right to the work, but not to the fruits of the work. That lies with the Mother and fits into a Divine Plan. So we leave that to her.
Enjoy, enjoy!
Download here:
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