by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
We are now crossing the threshold into our new harmonic passage. A cosmic step we have been taking for many years, and now we finally see anchored on our physical plane, and personal realities.
Pluto in Aquarius was the initiator of our cosmic entrance into the soul dimensions. We are gradually rebirthing into who we truly are, clearing old programs, beliefs, and relationships, and embracing new soul reunions and higher truths, becoming the pioneers we came here to be.
We are heading into another key passage to continue liberating ourselves from the old, activating our higher senses, through monadic reconnection and light body rehabilitation. This passage is marked by the sun soon moving into Aquarius on the 19th, together with Mercury entering Aquarius too on the 27th, and a New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th.
We are now preparing ourselves to move into a totally new frequency, one that cannot coexist with our old one, one that does not hide who we truly are, our intentions, our true purpose and direction, for where we are going, there is nothing hidden as in our 3D plane.
This is why it is so important to walk within divine love, integrity, and an absolute conviction of our personal choice to ascend, for once this decision is taken, there is no way back into old ways.
When we are not yet anchored in an illumined frequency, when there are yet egoic masks we wear, consciously or unconsciously, and when we do not act as we think and feel, there is still separation, and we will continue remaining in our old reality, experiencing the same old situations and outcomes.
There are many allies in our journey to become conscious beings, who are helping us as well to retrieve our crystalline essence, there are many incarnated and non-incarnated plasma benevolent beings guiding many of you to embody more plasma and build your light bodies, as we can only build them through the conscious embodiment of plasma, and continue retrieving your authentic essence.
Plasma-crystalline beings are non-humanoid races whose main mission is to help humans who are ready for physical ascension, as well as the elemental who like us, are too embodying their illumined forms, moving as well into more harmonic dimensions. You may see them as bright plasmatic orbs, or they may send you a humanoid crystalline vision of them, as we all have a unique way to receive.
They are guiding many of you as I see often to embody more love, compassion, and neutrality, for it is what activated the process of galactivation and physical ascension that many of you are now undergoing, stepping into this new aquarian cycle and becoming who you authentically are in nature.
As signs of plasma embodiment, and self/energetic liberation you may be experiencing:
Emotional breakthroughs
Skin and hormonal imbalances
Stomach aches
Dizziness, and if your body is completely aligned, then you also may feel too excited, which is a sign that you need to calm your nervous system and work on recalibrating your light body, so the energy is more balanced and you remain in a more peaceful state of being.
Others may experience pain in your bone structure, as a sign that the process of density emancipation has started.
It is important to understand the difference between having physical diseases or conditions and ascension symptoms, for we need to be grounded and treat our bodies properly at all levels.
With Aquarian frequencies surrounding us, we are removing suffering from our bodies, healing, and understanding pain, and moving into a more joyful and balanced state of being. One that is only achieved through personal freedom and reconnection to our authentic Divine Sources.
We are leaving a Piscean Era behind, as Neptune and Saturn will too confirm when they move into Aries, and step into a more empowered, harmonic, and sovereign space.
The shift that many of us are feeling can only be compared to the one we collectively experienced as well around 2012, and 2017, for individually nothing will ever be the same for us, as we continue transcending our old selves and ways of being/living.
We all may be challenged to step out of our comfort zone, to be more committed in certain areas of our lives, to be who we truly are without fears, or to confront our fears through the opportunities our Unified Self considers we need to pass through.
Everything that we experience is for our highest good, and the difference between suffering and being in a more peaceful state of being is working on acceptance, neutrality, witnessing everything from an Above perspective, surrender, and having complete trust in the Divine and Its Ways, for we never know what is best for us All.
Our task is to remain focused on our vision, on our soul’s desires, remaining in such an illumined frequency that no one or anything that happens to us can touch us, for when we have the Will, the courage, and the Heart to remain, always One with our Divine Source, we step into the universal flow of infinite possibilities that are there for us to pursue when we are aligned, trust and surrender.
May you embrace the courage to be who you are, and follow your Heart, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,