We know that the cabal uses “divide and conquer” tactics on us. Igniting the flames in the Middle East seems to be as divisive an issue as the deep state has so far produced. And, as Matthew Ward told us in 2006, it isn’t the people of Israel who want war: “The people of Israel […]
Bent Twigs Incline Trees
When I look back on the differences between my father’s WWII generation and my own, their Depression and then their war experiences seem to have colored their demeanor. Disciplined, cooperative, focused on a goal that everyone could get behind, they loved nothing more than to get together after work and cajole and reminisce. They swaggered […]
Kingdom Come
All the world’s religions have an idea of higher dimensionality, if even just a vague idea such as “heaven,” “kingdom come,” or “the afterlife.” After the vision I had in 1987 – which was wordless – I had to find words to describe the transdimensional realities I’d just seen. (1) What I’d seen went […]
5d Entry First; Ascension May Come Later: Explanation
I’m very much enjoying Ismael Perez’s intel. At one point he says: “After the Solar Flash, Earth will be 5D.” (1) Wow, did a penny drop on that one. I’m not sure whether Ismael meant what I thought or whether it simply tripped an insight in me. It doesn’t really matter. Is entry into 5D […]
Excerpts from Interview with David Icke
August 12, 2022 David Icke, in an interview on August 6 where he discusses his new book, The Trap, brings up intriguing questions and postulations about reincarnation (for a link to the interview, see Suzanne Maresca’s article of August 9). The information he imparts resonated with me, starting with: Why would…souls want to come here […]
Overcoming Fear – Always have Faith in the Flow of Life
By Owen Waters https://tinyurl.com/ycyd5mvk The conquest of fear is one of the primary reasons for life on Earth. Without it, the doorway to the next primary lesson, that of unconditional love, remains closed. Ask yourself, how many people fail to follow their true calling in life because of fear? When people incarnate into this […]
Heaven, Hell, and Ascension in the Afterlife – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part One, yesterday.) The Ascension of Dr. G. “There are natural periods in our time here and … I am approaching one of them. I could perhaps disregard the intimations and stay on here, but if I did so I should be perverting the pattern. So you see that even paradise may not […]
Heaven, Hell, and Ascension in the Afterlife – Part 1/2
All dimensions have subdimensions. Let me rephrase that using the language of the afterlife rather than that of the Company of Heaven. Every plane has its subplanes. The only plane I’m familiar with is the astral plane, from my study for New Maps of Heaven (NMH). I don’t consider that brief glimpses of the higher […]
Archangel Michael: We May be Misunderstanding Spiritual Evolution
In researching the Divine Plan, I came across Archangel Michael in 2013 explaining that our straight-line view of evolution is not correct. We have a great deal more choice in the process than is suggested by this view. And of course this is borne out by accounts of our meetings with our advisers to plan […]
Not Having Answers not a Valid Reason for Keeping World in Poverty
The basis of so much opposition to making things free for people appears to stem from the view that people are at base sinful, evil, unreliable, self-serving, etc. According to this view, if we remove the need to work, everyone will become dope-smoking hippies, polluting the beaches, etc. I have three objections to that view. […]
Elizabeth April Video: Q&A’s on Afterlife, Sex, Ear Ringing, etc., by Kat
Elizabeth April video: Q&A’s on Afterlife, Sex, Ear Ringing etc. By Kat Elizabeth April describes herself as an International psychic, Influencer and Truth seeker. (1.) As well, Elizabeth is a channel for the Galactic Federation. Those with whom she has direct telepathic contact are The Pleiadian Security Council, that deal with Security measures on Gaia. […]