Elizabeth April video: Q&A’s on Afterlife, Sex, Ear Ringing etc.
By Kat
Elizabeth April describes herself as an International psychic, Influencer and Truth seeker. (1.)
As well, Elizabeth is a channel for the Galactic Federation. Those with whom she has direct telepathic contact are The Pleiadian Security Council, that deal with Security measures on Gaia.
The way it works for her is that the Pleiadians visit with her either at her Earth home, or on board a space ship, or while Astral traveling. She does not bring beings into her body, as many channels do.
I offer my latest transcription of her video recorded yesterday, 5-10-20. Elizabeth answers questions from her YouTube subscribers on a range of subjects. One of them is the afterlife.
I’m always fascinated by discussions of the afterlife. I love hearing stories about people who have died, what their experiences were when they were pure Soul, what that ethereal world was like, and what decisions brought them to return to their physical bodies. We’re all going to pass on, so where exactly are we going?
Years ago I listened to a cassette tape of a lecture given by Sri Daya Mata, where she told a story about her afterlife experience.
Sri Daya Mata, or “Ma” to many of us, was a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda’s from the time she was a teenager. She became his assistant because she knew shorthand, and she traveled with him and transcribed his lectures for years, long before they began taping and videotaping Yogananda’s meetings and appearances. Ma eventually became President of Yogananda’s of Self-Realization Fellowship, and held that position for fifty years.
In her talk, Ma described her death experience, as something like this. This is from my memory, and not in her exact words:
One day, in her room @SRF in Los Angeles, she fell gravely ill. She knew exactly what the problem was but had lost consciousness and couldn’t verbally explain her accurate diagnosis to anyone. She had passed out on her bed and was rushed to the hospital.
Of particular note was that Ma was conscious during the entire experience, even though she couldn’t speak or communicate with anyone. She never lost consciousness.
While Ma was being operated on, she died. She knew she had died because she heard a beautiful, melodious voice gently calling her name. She recognized the voice as Divine Mother’s.
Ma found herself in a world that she tried to describe and could only come up with “I was in a world like rocks.”
She said, “I was in this clunky, rocky, muddy world, gazing ahead to an indescribably gorgeous, shining, gentle world, and I wanted to run to it. How can I describe the difference? One world was shadowy and dusty, the other radiant and paradisal. One was mud and the other diamonds.”
“I knew, because I hadn’t yet entered the shining world, and because I was unable to move my legs and run to it, that I was being given a choice. To move on to the beautiful world or remain in the dusty one.”
“I longed to run to the beautiful world, but the sweet voice asked me, if I would stay, for Her?”
“Oh yes, Divine Mother, I will stay for you,” Ma replied.
So she re-entered her physical body on the operating table, and returned to her physical life as the head of SRF. She never forgot her choice between the two realms and the extraordinary light-filled beauty that awaited her when she ultimately would let her physical body go.
The people in the hospital had no idea who she was. But on the following day, after the doctor had given her a checkup, he hung around a bit just looking at her.
“Yes,” she asked him. “Is there something I can do for you, doctor?”
“Well,” he said, “we’ve never known anyone like you. I don’t know what your occupation is, ma’am, but all during your operation, you kept repeating, ‘Oh God, dear God. Yes Lord, dear God. Dear God, dear God…’”
And Ma just smiled.
After I listened to Sri Daya Mata’s experience, I felt less anxious about passing onto the next.
It is a common theme, a beautiful radiant world that awaits. I hope so. I also believe, that it is the world we are ascending to, the Fifth dimension, without the necessity of physical death, but I don’t know for sure and can only report on it once we’ve done it.
Paramahansa Yogananda always said, “We ARE the soul and we HAVE a body.” And since the Soul is indestructible, it makes sense that it eternally journeys on, so no worries.
I hope you enjoy Elizabeth.
Peace, Health and Abundance for all — Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Elizabeth April video: Afterlife, Sex, Ear Ringing, Alien Music & More 5-10-20
Transcribed by Kat
Elizabeth April: Happy Mother’s Day to everyone… especially all the mothers who are stuck in quarantine with their beautiful Starseed children… I’m sure you are developing a brand new connection especially during this time…
(All questions are from Elizabeth’s YouTube members…)
8:53 Question: Where do souls go after we die? What happens to our karmic lessons, do our souls find a new body, what’s reincarnation like
Elizabeth: I’ve worked a lot with crossing over souls. I’ve worked a lot with the afterlife… Ever since I was a kid I could see ghosts and Spirits… So, this is my understanding of what happens after death…
Basically you have a choice… after the body dies in this reality, your soul has a choice… the choice is one of two things… one half of it is you either get stuck in a way… I do call it purgatory… I know it’s a very Biblical term but I don’t have another term for where you get stuck… you kind of get stuck as a soul in this weird liminal realm and I call it the 4th dimension… that is where you become a ghost or a Spirit… walking around in this… almost like you’re still stuck within this realm and reality but you can’t interact with this realm or reality physically… cuz you’re not physical…
You only get stuck as a soul if you have attachments… if you pass away very suddenly… when it’s very traumatic… and if you have a lot of emotion that you’re unable to let go of… typically that’s when you get stuck as a ghost or a Spirit… I would say maybe 50-50… I think it’s getting a lot better because the vibration of the planet is a lot higher and people are getting less stuck…
10:44 The other half… most of the people… most of the beings… when they crossover… when they get out of their body… they basically go to the light… I know you’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theorists or a lot of channelers say “the afterlife is a trap” … it’s NOT… yes, there are traps in the Astral realm, absolutely… but the afterlife is not a trap…
11:11 When you pass away and you get out of your body and you’re ready to move on… you go down a tunnel and all your loved ones are there… all your family members… all the near-death experiences you’ve read about are almost exactly what happens… go down this tunnel… all your family members are there… at the end of the tunnel is a white light… and that’s pure Source… that is you go back to pure Source consciousness… and that basically fits in the middle of the Universe… when you’re sitting in that space… you have the option to pop back into this reality… you can come through as a bird, or a butterfly, or an ant, or a fly or even a bunny rabbit… to bring your loved ones messages… or you can sit…
You have to review all of the decisions you made in your lifetime before you decide to reincarnate…
12:04 People assume that reincarnation takes place right away… oh my grandmother died two weeks ago, where is she now?… well, she’s in the Afterlife… typically, on average, it takes like years, years and years, if not generations for a soul to reincarnate… and one thing that’s also misconceived is that you just kind of chill up there… you’re just kind of hanging out… but really you’re learning lessons just as much in the Astral realm just as much as in this reality…
No matter where your soul is it’s always growing and being challenged and looking at things in a different way and expanding… that’s the whole purpose of existence… is the expansion…
12:55 Question: What about sex? I feel that desire is a 3D vibration, but during this lockdown many of us crave for connection with others and sex is a part of it. Can you explain or expand anything on that.
Elizabeth: Sex is a tough one… I know in quarantine a lot of people are lonely and craving connection with others… and there’s not much I can talk to about that… that’s something you are going to have to overcome… just like people who are craving their normal 9-to-5 structure… you just kind of have to deal with it… but I do want to talk about sex in a very high vibrational way…
14:00 There are two elements to sex… sex has been a mechanism since the dawning of Humanity that has been deeply manipulated within Humanity to lower our vibration… I cannot stress this enough… the amount of manipulation… abuse, rituals, Catholic guilt, oh my goodness, the shame that we’ve been all put through around sex…
And of course, if you’re a Starseed, if you’re an Alien then sex is weird to you… because… I know as a Gray for me… I feel like I’m more asexual than anything… just because I’m like… what are these body parts… I don’t know… it does not compute for me… it’s just odd… so there’s a lot that goes around sex…
14:50 One aspect is the majority of us… honestly… like 90% of us.. have really deep sexual traumas… I don’t care if you were abused or not in this lifetime… male or female… no matter what culture, race, age, gender you are… you have deep sexual traumas… I can almost guarantee it… and the reason why is because lifetime after lifetime we have gone through sexual manipulation… and this is the #1 thing that has happened in Society… and I should do a whole video about this because it’s so important…
15:23 And the reason why this is #1 most manipulated aspect of being Human (oooo I’m getting chills) is because… are you ready for this… sex and more specifically orgasm, which really, sex is just sex… but orgasm is a place where you let go of all your inhibitions… you let go all of your walls… you literally have to be at a place of full surrender in order to experience orgasm…
16:00 But what orgasm is a very deeply, Spiritually, connected, conscious, soul raising vibrational connection to the Universe.. I cannot stress enough how significant orgasm is…
If you are someone who has a hard time experiencing orgasm then you have deeply buried sexual trauma that is not allowing you… whether it be guilt, or shame or judgment… or just feeling you’re not fully connected to your human… you not allowing yourself to get to that place…
The reason why sex has been manipulated is because, I believe, it is the #1 thing, that will allow us to live much longer… like this is weird… but I’ve done a lot of work in past lifetimes… especially in Ancient Egypt… with Tantra meditation and Tantra sex… and onking (word?) your energy…
But when you connect yourself to pure Source through orgasm with no inhibitions and no limitations… and you actually perpetuate that state of orgasm… which literally you connect to Source… bring Source energy in… and you perpetuate that Source energy through your body… it regenerates your cells… it reverses aging… it allows you to be Breatharian… you don’t have to eat because you’re literally feeding off of Source… the reason why it has been so manipulated is because it is our greatest Super Power…
17:53 So if you’re sitting and home saying, “Wow, I really haven’t experienced what Elizabeth is talking about”… it’s time to dig deep… you deserve not only just a great sex life, not only just a great orgasm… but you deserve to connect to Source in a way where you’re not feeling guilty… and you’re not feeling shameful… you feel delighted and excited… and so when you’re missing that contact with someone else at home…
Maybe the first thing is making that contact… yeah, in a sexual way… to yourself… and if you’re not in full glory with that connection with yourself then you’re never going to be able to get a point of full glory and full connection with someone else… and I’m going to leave it at that…
18:40 Question: How can I as a major empath shield myself from other’s emotions to focus on balancing in myself and being aware of what’s mine?
Elizabeth: So how can an empath basically not be so much of an empath… I want to explain a concept for you and for all those empaths watching right now… this is how I see it… remember that I see everything visually… all energy I see visually… when an empath is open without healthy boundaries… they disseminate and they spread their vibration and they oversaturate themselves… I’m connected to this and then this and then this and then this… they’re connected to everything… but really nothing at all…
You’re oversaturating yourself that’s why you feel tired… that’s why you feel laggy… that’s why you’re unable to connect psychically and hold that connection… because you’re not clear cut about it, right?… you’re not focused on one thing… kind of like saying… jack of all trades, master of none… you’re giving so much of your energy away, you’re not focusing on what you want to focus on…
So the best tip that I have for all empaths out there is cutting cords… just cut… in a conversation with a partner… or on the phone… or Zoom or Skype or Facetime with a family member… and their back is hurting… and half way through the conversation you say, is your back hurting? And they say, oh yes, my back is hurting… then you say oh, it’s actually feeling better, they say oh, it’s feeling worse… just passing pain back and forth… around and around…
21:12 Two things that are important for an empath: One is cut the cord! You’re in a conversation with someone… you feel their negativity starting to sink in… in that moment, visualize a cord connecting you to that person and literally just CUT IT!…
21:28 The other technique you can do visually is The Bubble… put yourself into a bubble… make sure that you are nice and clear… and say, oh, that’s them, that’s their issues, those are their emotions… that’s not mine… creating those healthy boundaries… even in the middle of a conversation with someone you can do this energetically… you need to start practicing this… once you hone in on all your energy for yourself… you have infinite ability to tap in and connect with anything else…
22:02 The second thing I want to mention about an empath and being an empath… is if you’re taking on energy from someone else… if you’re like, ugh, I’m going into a crowd today I know I’m going to take something on… make sure you come home… and it’s not just about clearing your energy with sage or crystals… it’s about moving the energy in your body…
Ask yourself, where is this energy that I took on from my mum, sitting?… it’s sitting in my lower abdomen… great, MOVE IT… visualize it… tap it out… stretch your body… move the energy in your body… it’s not enough to just take on the energy… you have to move it through you… if anything you’re just taking it on and it’s just sitting there…
23:00 Question: Does your wife Astral travel and do you Astral travel together?
Elizabeth: She’s actually been starting to Astral travel recently and it’s kind of like scary for her because she’s not fully aware of what’s happening… but she’s just getting out of her body…
I’ll give you a couple of examples of what she’s been experiencing in the past couple of weeks… with the Astral traveling… if you are experiencing these symptoms most likely you are Astral traveling… and all of you are Astral traveling all the time… you’re most likely out of your body right now as we’re talking… but it’s being consciously aware of Astral traveling so that you can do whatever you want in the Astral realm…
23:35 So, feeling like you’re falling… especially when you’re in your bed at nighttime… in the middle of the night when you wake up and you have this feeling of falling… that’s a pretty good indication that you’re getting out of your body… sometimes a whooshing sound… if you’re very clairaudient… you’ll hear… whoooooosh…
It’s almost like a pushing of getting out of your body… being very dizzy… light headed… feeling like this reality is a dream or very surreal… is a very good indication that you’re out of your body… once you’re aware that you’re out of your body you can sit in meditation and you can ask, “OK, I’m out of my body, so where am I right now?”… and you’ll see you’re on another planet… it takes the time for you to listen and ask the right question… that’s how I started…
25:09 Question: My question is about Freedom of choice: If everything is scripted or contracted, but we have the choice in how to respond to the contracts, is our response also contracted, or can we make choices that will change that script?
Elizabeth: Good question. Everything can either be contracted and everything can either be free will… Everything… so getting into a car accident… most likely big events are all contracted in your life to happen because they have huge impacts on your life afterwards… but there are things that you can make a choice of Free Will… all of a sudden you’re a little bit off your path… something needs to happen to bring you back on your path… that wasn’t originally supposed to happen…
So Destiny and Free Will are both interplaying 50-50… there is not one over the other… the funniest thing when you’re talking to the reaction to the contracts… our reaction to things that are supposed to happen can be completely candid and full of free will… or they can being very scripted and very contracted for us to react that way and that teaches us a lesson…
26:36 Have any of you had a Déjà vu moment… where you’re like oh Déjà vu.. and your reaction to the Déjà vu is also a part of the Déjà vu… that happened to me the other day… it was mind blowing… I kept spinning Déjà vu to the Déjà vu to the Déjà vu… so yeah, Destiny/Free Will…… it’s important that we understand both are in play at all times…
OK. Let’s talk about ear ringing…
27:32: Question: Sometimes I get these tones in my left ear that I feel like is a beam that was sent through my brain and it landed in my left ear with this tone. What is this?
Elizabeth: Who else here has been dealing with weird ear issues? Also just want to mention aches and pains in the body have been super intense, especially this past week… we’re all really being… my astrology friends are telling me this is the time to purge out past lifetimes… this is the time to purge out old traumas… so a lot of sh*t is coming up for a lot of people… aches and pains in the body… weird teeth things… for like a month I was having tooth pain… and then it went away…
28:38 Ear ringing… headaches… pressure on the head… these are all signs of release… the ear ringing specifically… I don’t get the ear ringing much… I get popping… weirdest things… I don’t even know where it comes from, like how does it even happen?… I’ll be in the middle of a session and all of a sudden my left ear will just pop… and I know that’s a good confirmation of what I’m saying is just boom… hitting so hard…
29:16 This is an indication that you are opening up your ear chakras… that means you are in the middle of ascending and opening up your ear chakras and moving into the 13-chakra system… please look this up…
I have a video that I put out there 2 months ago about the chakras… very powerful and will literally explain 13, 7 and crystalline energy systems… there are children being born in full crystalline energy these days… children being born with full 13 chakra systems… most of you are or have recently transitioned from 7 chakra systems to 13 chakra systems… in short… that means you have more capabilities to sense and act and react with the world around you.

13 Chakras and corresponding musical notes from the chromatic scale
30:20 in the 7 chakra system we’re very limited to just our 5 senses… and what we’re perceiving and how we’re interpreting this reality… with the 13 chakra system all of a sudden we have our ear chakras… we’re hearing things… we’re more clairaudient… we’ve got the ringing in our ears… we’re actually aligning ourselves to the tonal frequencies of different dimensions.
OK… and then also the hand chakras open up as well… and the hand chakras are all about healing, all about touch… about perceiving things with our hands… especially right here in the palm… and then we’ve got two extra chakras opening up above the crown chakra… that gives us an extra Spiritual sense… very powerful… all of these [openings and upgrades] come with weird symptoms… weird hand issues… weird ear issues… and weird head issues… you have to go into the 13 chakra system before you get to crystalline… can’t skip over that…
31:40 Question: Can you talk about how music and sympathetic resonance and cinematics affect and heal us? Is it true that the Arcturians tend to be more musical?
Elizabeth: I don’t really know the Arcturians too too much… I do know that they have music on board the space ships… which is really interesting… and most of the music that they have on board the space ships is electronic music… no surprise there…
The reason why is because if you had an acoustic instrument like a guitar on board a space ship… and you have 10 species that all live on board a space ship… they all have different fingers, they all have different body parts, they all have different ways to work with that musical instrument… it would be impossible to have one instrument for all the species… so they typically work with frequencies, sounds, tones… it’s really cool…
32:44 And that’s why like me, as a Starseed in particular, I’m extremely drawn to EDM… electronic dance music… it was years ago… that I found out that Aliens work with electronic dance music… on the other hand if you’re obsessed with acoustic music… Interdimensional beings are very envious of the fact that humans have such a wide range of musical instruments… and we’re very creative with those musical instruments…
So if you’re obsessed with music in a very authentic acoustic way… you most likely are quite Alien as well in some way… and you wanted to come down here to experience the musical expression that we have as human beings… they’re very envious of that… frequencies are everything… we are frequency beings… and it’s really funny because I’m not really into music… I’ve never been able to pick up an instrument and play it… and yet I listen to music 90% of the day, especially with my work… music is a huge part of my life even though I can’t do it…
34:30 Question: How do I know if I’m on the right path?
Elizabeth: If things are easy for you… if everything is flowing… if things are easy and effortless then you’re on the right path… “easy” doesn’t mean “good vibes…” I’m going to need to explain this… having life and things be easy doesn’t mean good vibes… if you’re on your way to work, get into a car accident, exchange information, and it was all effortless and easy, then that was meant to happen…
If you break-up with your partner… and it’s the easiest transition ever… you think, wow, I left my condo… my ex got a roommate within one week… and I found a new place within another week… wow, that was really easy… it was meant to be, you’re in alignment with your contract… that’s what that means… it could be a very emotional situation and yet if it’s easy and effortless it was meant to be…
36:23 If there is resistance in your reality then there’s something deeper that you have to look at… look at all angles of this… typically it means that you’re reacting and responding to something in a way that you’re creating more resistance for yourself… ask yourself if it’s easy and lack of resistance then you know you’re where you need to be…
37:25 Question: When we raise our vibration do we instantly attract negativity to stop or feed off our energy? Is there any way to stop negative forces from attacking us, or do we always have to deal with it?
Elizabeth: I want to tell you very candidly, very straight up, you’re always going to have to deal with negativity… always… 5D and all… think about it… there are 8th dimensional Pleiadian beings out there in the Universe right now that are battling the darkness of the Universe…

Yin Yang painting by Jonas Jôdicke (2.)
We live in a binary Universe… and balance on this planet and balance within the Universe means there’s light and dark… not ALL light… and not ALL dark… so we’re always going to have to deal with it… once again remember that being a Master means rising above light and dark… hmmmm today I’m going to dabble with the emotion of sadness… and that’s OK and I love myself for crying all day… I know a ton of people on Thursday and Friday of this week who spent all day in bed… that’s OK… and the more that you love and accept yourself for the actions and the choices that you’re making… the easier it’s going to be to transmute those actions and choices… there’s always going to be negativity… always always always…
39:14 There’s always going to be dark forces… always… they exist… they have to exist in order to have balance in the Universe… they have to exist in order to challenge us… to push us to grow… The more love and appreciation that you give the darkness… and the darkness within your own soul… and the entities that are outside of your soul… the more they do not affect you… straight up…
39:40 I have been attacked… psychically attacked by entities my entire life… all the way back to childhood… and I am so frickin strong because of it… and I have so much gratitude… the amount of love and gratitude that I have for an entity who comes into my life… the more that they can’t get close to me… it’s like, oh my God, she loves me too much…
40:05 Entities can’t face their own self-love… so when they feel love from me there’s only one of two options: Either they run away, fast… or they transmute into love… because all they ever need is love from someone else… we need to realize that a dark entity is just a lost soul… what should you do in a situation of encountering a lost soul… you should love them, you should care for them, you should show them, or it, something they’ve never experienced before… what do you do to a dog who’s been abused in a home? You love it. You care for it. You don’t push it away saying I don’t want you… that’s how you transmute fear and negativity… you don’t protect yourself from it… as if it was some sort of plague that was going to hit you… you bring it in, you hug it, you authentically appreciate it’s existence…
41:10 Say for example… Donald Trump…. that’s a soul… no matter if he’s a shapeshifter or a good guy or a white hat or a black hat or just a puppet who has no idea what’s going on… it doesn’t matter… don’t get caught up in the polarity of who he is and what side he is on… scrape all that away and that president is a soul… and that soul in the purest way possible signed up for the contracts to be Donald Trump… that takes balls… I don’t care who you are… I don’t think I’d be strong enough for that position…
That’s a huge lifetime that he signed up for… and I give respect to that soul… we just have to get out of polarity altogether and look at everyone as a soul… and appreciate the fact that they signed up for that contract… appreciate every dark entity… good for you for being able to sign up for polarity… good for you for being able to choose the dark side… and live that existence… I’ve been there too and it sucked… all I needed in my darkest hour was a little love…
42:45 Question: When you speak to the Galactic Federation, do they talk in English? Do all Alien beings speak English?
Elizabeth: No of course not, of course not… the majority of beings in the Universe… even Human beings… are all telepathic… naturally our souls all speak the same language and the same language is telepathy… it’s really cool… telepathy instantly translates someone else’s language into something you can comprehend and understand…
43:20 When I have the Galactic Federation, these 8 Pleiadian beings, a part of this incredible council… when I have them contact me it will be this big booming voice in my mind and it’ll be full English… it just instantly translates… they’re speaking to me in Light Language and it’s instantly translated… when I speak to them it’s instantly translated into something they can comprehend in their physical body… when we don’t have a physical body there’s no translation needed at all… because there’s no language at all… it’s vibration…
44:05 Question: Any advice about how to master the polarity emotionally because I’m being aware of my thoughts but sometimes my emotions are getting caught up in 3D states, like sadness, guilt etc. It’s funny because I can see the bigger picture of these emotions with my thoughts, but I’m still feeling them.
Elizabeth: How do we overcome emotions and rise above polarity as a whole? Great question and it’s really quite easy and it’s really just back to back with what I was just saying with the darkness…
The easiest way to deal with your emotions, especially low 3D emotions is surrender to them… first and foremost don’t distract yourself, don’t throw a Netflix, don’t bury them deep… surrender to them, surrender to your human emotions… First surrender…
Second thing—release them… whether that be going for a jog… sweating out the emotion… journaling… conscious tapping exercises… meditation when you’re focusing on releasing the emotion…
Thirdly give gratitude to your crazy up and down roller coaster emotions… give gratitude to them because they allow you to be human… being human is being on a roller coaster ride and that’s OK… the more you accept that without attachment to anything else… then you’re living your highest vibration of being human…
(1.) Surrender to them (2.) Release them (3.) Give gratitude to them…
46:46 Question: Source/God is pure light and love, where all life and consciousness in the entire Universe originates from, so how come there’s dark and evil?
Elizabeth: Great question… This Universe was built on the foundations of binary… of ones and zeroes, of light and dark… imagine this if you were pure Source and you had all knowledge… say for example as a human being… easier to conceptualize in… If you had all the money… if you had all the friends… all the family members… all of the job satisfaction and fulfillment… all the kids… if you had everything that you could ever possibly want EVER, it would be great, right?…
48:00 Maybe for the first week… maybe for the first month… hey, maybe for the first 10 years… it would be great to have everything… all knowledge, all connection, all satisfaction and fulfillment… but eventually it’s going to get boring… there’s no challenge… if there’s no need or want for anything… if there’s no wind in your sails… if there’s nothing pushing you forward then what’s the point? What’s the purpose? Where do we go from here? We go nowhere, we’re already at the end…
48:15 The whole purpose of incarnating in general in this Universe is to grow… is to learn… and the only way we can grow and learn is to be challenged, is to be pushed… is to fall and to get back up again… and to understand that we can and we’re capable of getting back up again… we’re capable of becoming our own Source… we are capable of the awareness of our reality… and the only thing that is pushing us to be capable of the awareness of our reality… is to understand that in some aspects we are unaware of our reality…
49:00 What is this whole quarantine situation BS doing for us?… It’s allowing us to scrape away all the distractions we’ve ever had to go within ourselves… to deep dive… to figure it out… to be challenged by our old limiting beliefs… to let go of our programming… if this didn’t happen… if this crazy, painful, disastrous, low vibrational event didn’t happen we wouldn’t have the space to transform…
That means that we’ve got to be grateful for the darkness in the Universe… we have to be grateful for the low vibration… just as much, if not more than we are grateful for the high vibration and the good times and the great vibes…
49:45 Maybe after this video on this beautiful Mother’s day… you can take some time today to think about your darkest memory in this lifetime… and not only think about those darkest memories about that accident or that breakup or that divorce or that time you lost all your money… when you think about all those experiences… don’t just get stuck in the emotions of them… look at the aftermath… where did that experience take you?… what journey did it lead you on?… How did you grow from that experience?… that’s what’s important…
(1.) Elizabeth April website
(2.) These 5 “Yin and Yang” Artworks Enabled Me To Make a Living as an Artist at the Age of 22