The basis of so much opposition to making things free for people appears to stem from the view that people are at base sinful, evil, unreliable, self-serving, etc.
According to this view, if we remove the need to work, everyone will become dope-smoking hippies, polluting the beaches, etc.
I have three objections to that view.
The first is that the basis of the Law of Free Will is to allow each person to do as they wish. The price of admission to the Fifth Dimension is to give up the illusion of control of others.
The second is that we’re not sinful and evil at essence but pure and innocent, as I know. (1)
The third is that life on the astral planes does not require people to work in order to live and instead they do what they’ve always wanted to do – travel, bind books, study, visit other galaxies or eras, etc. (2)
Only on the Third and Fourth Dimensions – in a carbon-based physical body – are we required to work to live. And life thrives in the Astral Planes – much more than it does here.
Meanwhile Gaia produces via the Earth all we need to live comfortable lives – without harming the animals.
If we’re bringing Heaven to Earth, one of the things we may need to do it is to eliminate the need to work; then we need to design our responses anew to what arises, for the highest good of the entire world.
Inequities exist everywhere in our world at present and these will need to be addressed. Let me cite one example that I’ve followed over the years: the depredations of automation.
When automation was first mentioned in the Fifties, it was sold as a vision of the ordinary person being relieved of such things as housework, fetch-and-carry, etc.
When automation actually came along, it created a buyer’s market for labor, stripped workers of their bargaining position, and saw pensions, benefit plans, permanent employment, everything supporting a decent lifestyle for workers go out the window, until we now have a “gig” economy.
Meanwhile robots do not pay taxes. All the benefits of automation went to those who introduced it, financed it, and owned the machines. Very little trickled down, to use Ronald Reagan’s phrase, to the worker.
People have been assassinated to protect such things as oil sales, the diesel engine, paid-for electricity, medical care, etc., when water cars, anti-gravity vehicles, free energy, and med beds have been available for quite some time.
Once the Reval and abundance generally hit, we need to see that all people reap the benefits of automation and other technologies, including those technologies kept secret.
I confess at this point in time that I don’t know how trash will be collected or the storm drains unplugged when everyone already has enough to live. I suspect that the galactics will have a lot to share with us that will make those tasks easier.
I anticipate a lot of guidance from the higher realms until we’re able to guide ourselves in matters of workable governance and equitable economies.
If left to my own devices, for example, to discover a way through all this, it would be utterly beyond me. No, I need guidance, as I think do we all.
And Archangel Michael does provide it:
“Choose your area, or your areas, that you wish to address and get going.
“And then come together in collaboration and in groups to deal with any issues that are coming forth that need to be eliminated, eradicated.” (3)
These problems will be temporary. By the time we reach the Fifth Dimension in level of consciousness, such things as disease and crime will no longer be able to exist. The problems will evaporate in the atmosphere of love and we and our guides will tackle the next level of problems.
But in the time between now and then, we’ll need to explore, negotiate, and find out how to meet the challenges which the relief of poverty brings.
Not having the answers to new problems created by abundance is not a valid reason, I believe, for keeping most of the world in poverty and need.
(1) From my experience at Xenia: “Original Innocence,” Sept. 21, 2018, at
(2) See “The Astral Plane – Common Summerland Elements,” in New Maps of Heaven, at
(3) “Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia,” Jan. 21, 2013, at