As a historian I’ve watched numerous “big wins” against the deep state, such as the Trump team’s big win. They’ve usually been about free speech, privacy, freedom of assembly, etc. And in the off-chance they win because of an unrigged or well-monitored election, the same ones who threatened free speech before now vigorously point out […]
Synching with Archangelic Energy – Part 4/4
This Spiritual Currency is the Real Wealth It’s not lost on me that this increased sense of closeness or felt contact with Michael should occur after having changed my vote from orneriness to loving kindness. I continue to enjoy the results of that contact. I’m creating a fantasy that I can be with Michael […]
Synching with Archangelic Energy – Part 1/4
I’ve just had a very special experience with Michael, arising out of meditation, in which I felt us “synch” our energies. That’s not the best metaphor for it. How does a car battery synch with the Hoover Dam? But I think you get what I mean. The alteration in me is that I feel more […]
A Walking Billboard for Co-creative Partnership
Typically those who oppose an evil regime in its early years, like the opponents of Hitler, are pilloried and run out of society, as many whistleblowers have been. They find themselves operating underground to a greater or lesser degree. Later, in those increasingly-evil days of WW2, critics were thrown into concentration camps and executed. Or […]
The Process of Integration – 3 – Part of a Strategy?
Who needs censors? I keep my mind under lock and key I’m looking at the walls I build to compartmentalize my knowledge. There is a separate compartment for knowledge of cross-cultural spirituality and one for knowledge of the divine qualities, life after death, history, etc. I keep them all separate out of lifelong habit. The […]
Caitlyn Eckhardt: A Child’s Death Prayer
Caitlyn Eckhardt: A Child’s Death Prayer “YOU WILL DIE ONE DAY.” I was a child on a mission– to know, with certainty, what is my fate upon my death. Around eleven years of age, this question haunted me like a Goat Specter, whispering hellish nightmares into my dreamscape, cracking them open in blood. I did […]
Archangel Michael on Co-Creative Partnership
I came across this today and find it a most remarkable discovery. It’s a conversation between Michael and I on the process of co-creative partnership. This is exactly what I need at the moment and I’d completely forgotten that the conversation took place. It includes a short mention of our design team. I hope it’s […]
The Archangelic Vantage Point
As an historian, I’d have the odd historical conversation with Archangel Michael. Always they were surprising. You may have read his explanation of what happened in the Mediterranean around 1200 BC that saw so many regimes fall. (1) Historians have explained it as the invasion of a mystical group they call “the sea people.” Graphics […]
We Know the Outcome and We Serve That
We can sit and watch and Ascension will happen, taking us with it. But soon we’ll hear about the state of the world in the ten days of broadcasts. After that, I imagine there’ll be no holding most people back from wanting to take positive action. People have for years now been reaching out […]
Discretion Reigns
Steve: How do I guarantee that corruption won’t set in [in the Michaelangelo Fund]? AAM: First of all, (laughing) who do you think you are working with, dear heart? (1) Who indeed! So here I am, presented with the wonderful opportunity to co-create with Archangel Michael: AAM: We are a team. We are allies and we […]
Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven
I’ve just had a paradigmatic breakthrough. (1) As you read this, perhaps remember the breakthrough process. Breakthrough is preceded by increasingly-uncomfortable and ever-building cognitive dissonance or inner conflict. Finally we have a moment when the dissonance becomes too great. We throw the paradigm aside and look newly. Often this can be during a spiritual […]
Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia (Repost)
Building Nova Earth: Towards a World that Works for Everyone has been revised and is available for downloading here: In 2013 Archangel Michael laid out for us how to begin building Nova Earth, even though we were and are financially challenged. That total conversation was wide-ranging and very helpful. In rereading it, I realized […]
As Our Hearts Open and Our Minds Expand, More Information is Shared – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) Questioner: I can’t understand everything you say. Divine Mother: There are parts of this, in the infinite and eternal – yes, even in the fulfillment of my Plan, even in what I have termed ‘New Time’ – that you may not fully comprehend. Then you may say to me, “Well, […]
As Our Hearts Open and Our Minds Expand, More Information is Shared – Part 1/2
I enjoy using the question-and-answer format and it’s the most efficient method of delivering information. In this two-part article, the Company of Heaven shares what their criteria are for offering or withholding information. Questioner: You seem to be giving us information in a definite way. Lao Tzu: We have not spoken of [some subjects] before […]
What is Expected of Us
Perhaps we understand better now why the Federation of Light – and everyone else – is calling us the strongest of the strong: “YOU … YOU … WHO ARE OF GREAT LIGHT AND POWER … CAME SPECIFICALLY TO BE PART OF THIS DIVINE PLAN. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE HONOUR!? “YOU … YOU … WERE CHOSEN […]