December 24, 2024
By email ~
Message from Natalie:
There’s a poem you might know called Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. I’ve been working on memorizing it, and there’s a line in the poem that says: “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.” Another line I really like for today says, “And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.” The poem also reminds us that, despite life’s sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful and strive to be happy.
This connects to Dr. Peebles’s teaching that we are all part of the same organism, the same cell even. There’s nothing inherently wrong with walking through life focused only on ourselves, thinking, “What do I need to do? How do I get by?” But we can also choose to walk in the world knowing we are part of a greater whole. Everything in this organism is working for us, and we are working for it. When we embrace this perspective, we feel supported and connected, realizing at some level, that the universe is unfolding as it should.
There are essentially two ways to approach life. One is self-focused, where we try to ensure our lives are okay and our dreams are achieved. The other is walking with the awareness that we are part of the whole. This second approach invites us to care for our part, clean our side of the street, and trust that the whole is taking care of us as we take care of it. It’s a simpler and more peaceful way to navigate life.
Dr. Peebles also teaches that curiosity is a high vibration, and everything in the universe is created out of curiosity. Consciousness doesn’t create because it has to; it creates because it wonders what might be. By walking in curiosity – wondering how things are working for the greater good rather than just our personal good – we step into a receptive posture. This perspective makes life feel less overwhelming and more aligned with ease and flow.
As we reflect on our connection to others and to the universe this month, let’s be in awe of how we’re all interconnected. Even if we don’t fully understand or believe it, we can be curious about how everything is unfolding as it should. Catch when your mind or ego pulls you into worry and, instead, return to curiosity, which will keep you open to receiving life’s gifts.
Remember: You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. Be at peace with God, however you conceive it to be. I love you all and hope this is helpful today. It’s so wonderful to be connected with you.
Here is Dr. Peebles’ perspective:
God bless you, indeed, Dr. Peebles here! My dears, it is a great blessing for us to talk today about how you are interconnected with each and every single person and experience of life in animal or insect or plant form.
There are billions of people that you will never meet face to face in your lifetime. Yet, these billions of people, and the hundreds of billions of plants, and the billions of animals that you will never see face to face, all of these are working with you. You are working as one organism. You could even think about it as you are all working in one cell of one organism.
You have been taught a falsehood that you are separated from the person next to you, from the chair you are sitting on, from the animal running up the tree, or from the individual in a country thousands of miles away. You may never know how they are contributing to your life, and yet you are all part of the same organism, the same cell, the same consciousness. Therefore, you are indeed all working together.
If you can walk in the world with this knowledge, or even this assumption, then as you connect and interact with individuals, you can nudge yourself to be curious. Think, “I wonder how we’re working together.” Perhaps ask, “I wonder how I and this person, here at the grocery store, are working together.” Ninety percent of the time, you will never have the answer, but the fact that you are in wonderment keeps you in the vibration of connection, rather than exacerbating the old patterning of separation.
This energy keeps you connected to consciousness, to God, to love, to perfection, instead of separation. That energy can move through your life more easily. Your life becomes much more peaceful, joyful and clear. Your illusion of separation causes suffering, which then leads you to act as if you are separate from others, animals, things, money, health or experiences.
Walk in the world with curiosity about how you and others are working together, even imagine individuals far away and consider how you might be contributing to each other’s lives. You are all part of the same organism. Expand your curiosity about how you are connected and remind yourself that everyone is assisting you, and you are assisting them. Just knowing this and walking in the world with this awareness will increase your happiness. We love you, and we hope this helps you.