www.voiceoffreedom.ca Marianne Willliamson with Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley, May 4, 2019 (Transcript/Notes) Every public issue will ultimately get to your private door. . . there’s no religious or spiritual path that gives us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings.. . . the world is too connected. So when you’re living […]
Standards Get Higher: Won’t Harm Any More
As we look forward to and prepare for the next event in our otherwise-gradual Ascension – a 4th-chakra heart opening – I keep hearing in my mind’s ear: The closer to the destination, the narrower the path and the straiter the gate. If Jesus didn’t say that, I think he should’ve. (Is that him laughing […]
Michael through Ronna: The Memory Seed Atoms Within Your Soul
MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-7-2019 RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE THE MEMORY SEED ATOMS WITHIN YOUR SOUL Beloved masters, it is vitally important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times whereby many special dispensations are in force. It is a grand opportunity for you, the seekers of the Light, to tap into your […]
Wendy Hutchinson: Lightworkers Reach Higher!
Lightworkers Reach Higher! In5D June 1, 2019 by Wendy Hutchinson, Contributing writer, In5D.com httpss://in5d.com/lightworkers-reach-higher/ There is a huge shift upon us, and I am witnessing many lightworkers being brought to their knees, questioning their path, questioning their gifts, and feeling tremendous torque and friction in their personal lives. 3D Earth has closed and completed and […]
An Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 2/2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) Thank you for allowing me to follow this train of thought. I find nothing more rewarding than plumbing these mysteries. I hope in the future, when things get busy, I’ll somehow be able to continue along these lines of inquiry. God as the active Mother (rather than the passive Father) […]
An Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 1/2
Werner Erhard wrote a very challenging essay in 1977, called The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. (1) In it he explained, from his point of view, how life worked. I can’t think of any other way to describe it. His book utterly bewitched me when I first read it. I […]
Writing History Forward – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) What’s being asked of us lightworkers is persistence, determination, valor. We’re asked to stay at our posts till the end. That calls on us to expand our estimates in all directions. The Company of Heaven has to watch what they say that they don’t let the air out of the […]
Writing History Forward – Part 1/2
A reader wrote in and said she was dying of waiting. Me too, I can assure you. What do I do to revive myself? (1) When I need to, I go through a number of steps. I might bring up love from my heart, which, when it arises, changes my outlook completely, no matter what […]
The Great Awakening has Gone Mainstream
httpss://massawakening.org/ the-great-awakening-has-gone-mainstream/ I’m an investigative journalist from Haifa, Israel. My book Mass Awakening is a full-disclosure book on the dark agenda, the global currency reset, secret space programs, the global great awakening of humanity, new earth and the ascension. You are probably aware of your own awakening and that of other people around you. We […]
Everything Works by Vibration – Part 2/2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) This two-part article started with a comment made by Archangel Michael in 2018: Steve: What is holding up the Reval now? AAM: Human beings are still not quite there yet. Steve: So is it a question of vibration? AAM: It is absolutely a question of vibration and frequency. (1) It […]
Everything Works by Vibration – Part 1/2
It wouldn’t matter if we were discussing Ascension, the Reval, or Disclosure, everything in each of these areas depends, not on timing, but on vibration. The Arcturians through Sue Lie convinced me of this back in 2014 referring to the Reval. I won’t post the whole discussion. The essence of it is this: “Just as […]
Why the “Velvet Hammer” is a Better Way to Give Constructive Criticism
By Stephanie Vozza, Fast Company, March 22, 2019 httpss://www.fastcompany.com/90319581/why-the-velvet-hammer-is-a-better-way-to-give-constructive-criticism It’s time to bag the sandwich method of delivering bad news. You know, the technique where you say something nice, then drop in the criticism, and the end with something nice. It’s not like the person won’t notice that the center of the sandwich is terrible; […]
Jennifer Crokaert: How to Increase Our Inner Light
By Jennifer Crokaert httpss://jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com/2019/01/how-to-increase-our-inner-light.html Note: This isn’t a channel, but a personal experience that I thought might be helpful to share. The more we can combine our ideas and experiences, the faster we can generate enthusiasm, change, and, ultimately, Ascension. A few days ago I had a rather unusual meditation. At the beginning, I was […]
We Are the Holy Grail: Where Do Feelings Not of Love Come From?
www.voiceoffreedom.ca Why do we blame? Why do we feel the need to “be right” and not forgive one another for situations that are uncomfortable for us? We create all kinds of disarray from illness within to war without with this behaviour. Blame is lack of self-worth and lack of self-love constructed from trauma. This happened […]
Randal Gross: What Can We Do?
Writer’s Corner by Randal Gross When I go through my day and I am suddenly overwhelmed by the World, I find myself saying, almost as if I am channeling my higher self, “Just Keep Going.” When I hear about someone’s marriage breaking up, I cannot relate because I have never been married. However, it does […]