Folks, I received this email today. I’m sure the anonymous reader won’t mind me quoting from it:
“One of my concerns is where to put extra money. I don’t trust the stock markets. Are banks a safe haven? Then which banks are best? Right now banks aren’t paying much interest. Will that change with NESARA? Will new safe havens crop up to store cash for future dispersal?”
I was tempted to answer but I have to say that I’m not qualified to express opinions on matters such as these.
Nor is anyone else here, as far as I’m aware.
However I will make one itsy-bitsy comment if you’ll assure me that you’ll make the final decision after due diligence and reflection. I’m sure the reader will permit me.
If we’re talking about the period after NESARA, why need we concern ourselves with return on investment?
Everyone will be taken care of, either by the Reval (and we all have currency) or by NESARA so why continue to think from an obsolete model?
Our job is to distribute funds, holding back enough to pay for our lifestyle for … what? I can’t say how many years. No years for me because NESARA will soon be declared and NESARA will remove the difficulties in our way financially and economically.
The cabal’s hold on business will be gone. The banks will be serving us because lightworkers and other currency holders will be their largest and most lucrative customers, not the cabal any more.
They’ll have to keep their integrity in … or a few of us may come together and buy them outright. Then we’ll see that integrity remains in.
Or switch to community credit unions.
After the Reval and NESARA, it’ll be up to us to innovate and lead the way. Where no one listened to lightworkers in poverty before, they may now listen to lightworkers distributing wealth. And it’d be up to us to make our message count at that point.
What’s that message for me? It’s “sharing money is sharing love.”
I feel safe in making that one specific comment as long as you make your own decision and feel happy with it.
For me to go beyond a general comment is to put myself in the position of recommending a course of financial action. It’s somewhat the same as me advising a medical procedure. It carries real consequences and I have neither the training nor knowledge to do it.
Nonetheless we’re not leaving you afloat on a vast ocean. A great deal of literature has been prepared for you.
It consists of the Company of Heaven’s counsel – rather than our own – on matters related to the Reval. That’s what I’m following, to the letter.
Some of it exists in the Golden Age of Gaia‘s “Library”:
- See “On Financial Wayshowing and the Reval” at
In Footnote 1, I’ll list some of its sources. Redundant to do so, yes. But I need you to be aware of these resources. (2) Others will be asking you and where will you send them? This is one place.
Some of it also exists in the “First Contact” Database:
- See The Revaluation (Reval) and Global Currency Reset – Progress at
Again, in Footnote 3, I’ll give a sample of what you’ll find there so you can judge the usefulness of this constantly-updated resource.
In most situations, your own bank can provide you with a wealth manager and home office (for 90 days). Those people can either answer your questions or carry out your requests.
I again feel safe in saying that I imagine that anyone with a background in charitable foundations would be most likely to understand what we’re doing and what our motives are.
So that’s what we here at GAoG will and won’t be doing. Relaying the Company of Heaven’s advice? Yes. Relaying advice of our own? Very sparingly if at all.
(1) Here are some potentially-useful sources:
After the Reval: Orientation
- The Divine Mother: After the Reval, Go Where Your Heart Dictates
- The True Usefulness of Money is Revealed in the Giving
- St. Germaine: Service to All vs. Service to Self
- Archangel Michael on Mad Rushing Post-Reval
- Archangel Michael: You are Not Crazy
- Archangel Michael on the Purpose of the Reval and Our Future – Part 1/5
- Archangel Michael on the Purpose of the Reval and Our Future – Part 2/5
- Archangel Michael on the Purpose of the Reval and Our Future – Part 3/5
- Archangel Michael on the Purpose of the Reval and Our Future – Part 4/5
- Archangel Michael on the Purpose of the Reval and Our Future – Part 5/5
- Archangel Michael on How to Work with the Reval
- Archangel Michael’s Advice on Post-Reval Philanthropy – Part 1/2
- Archangel Michael’s Advice on Post-Reval Philanthropy – Part 2/2
- Archangel Michael: This Sense of Emergency Has to Go
- The Difference between Choices and Decisions
After the Reval: Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship
- Financial Wayshowing and Abundance R12 Interpretive commentary.
- The Divine Qualities of a Steward and Financial Wayshower
- AAM: The Overarching Principle of Post-Reval Financial Wayshowing is Stewardship
- Transcript ~ Archangel Michael on the Source of Power and Authority, AHWAA, March 9, 2017
- Archangel Michael on Lightworkers’ Collective Life-Purpose Today
- Archangel Michael on How to Work with the Reval
- Archangel Michael on Financial Wayshowing
- Archangel Michael’s Counsel on the Reval
- Archangel Michael: The Point of Balance Between I Am and We Are
- Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Authority
- Archangel Michael: It is Time
- Humanitarian/Philanthropic Ideas: How to Spend Effectively
- Stewards of the Mother’s Wealth
- The River of Abundance will Flow through Lightworker Donations
- Lifelong Commitment
- Build Slowly and Build Well
- A Right to the Work
- Feel the Sword Tap on Your Shoulder? – Part 1/2
- Feel the Sword Tap on Your Shoulder? – Part 2/2
- Making the Path of Financial Stewardship Work
- Another Look at Stewardship
- Lightworkers are my Family
- Lightworker Family
- The Family Business
- Financial Wayshowers: Have Your Money Make a Difference
- Financial Wayshowers: Emulate the Divine Qualities and Eliminate the Issues
- Choicepoints
- Practicing Selfless Service
- Prosperity! Remembering Divine Principles
- By What Principles Might a Global Network of Light Stewards Operate?
- Turning the Desert into a Watered Plain
- When Have We Ever Done This Before?
- Reversing Our View of What Needs to Be Done
- Task Huge, Formal Training Zero
- Ego or Heart: For the Good of the People
- Strapped into the Seat I was Born to Occupy
- The Real Reval
- Selfishness Cannot be Maintained; Only Selflessness Lasts
- Dream Big, Plan Big, Build Big
- Consider This Your Invitation to Build Nova Earth
- “Power Corrupts”
- The Meek Shall Inherit….
- Ego or Heart: For the Good of the People
- The Constant and Universal Theme of Service
- What is Responsibility?
- What is Mastery?
- Let Worry Go Now
- My Will is the Genie in the Bottle
- What It Would Take
- Financial Wayshowing as a Mindset
- The Impact of Stands and Commitments
- Loving Heart, Neutral Intention
- Goodbye to All That
- Final Positioning
(2) You might want to browse the First Contact, New Maps of Heaven, and From Darkness Unto Light databases. I use them as my resource in writing all my articles. All my tools are there for you to use as well.
They’re searchable. And they’ll answer all your questions.
(3) From the First Contact Database.
The Revaluation (Reval) and Global Currency Reset – Progress
From 2017
[This is a selection from all the quotes, not necessarily the most current ones.]
Know in your heart that a great deal of fundamental movement is happening behind the scenes. It is these secluded actions that are presently accounting for everything that is expected to change your current reality. We remain confident that the new communications can allow us to do what is necessary for overall success. …
The emerging funds are to permit the new NESARA Republic, end USA, Inc and allow the new UST notes to become this nation’s new gold-backed currency. The cabal’s minions are being separated and, as noted previously, are being sent to a specially readied incarceration in the sky. They are never to bother you again. You are to see them in the future only as part of the final steps of this globe coming into full consciousness.
These events took so long because time was required to successfully complete a number of crucial procedures just before you receive your initial funds. Be in joy as you are to quickly realize just how valuable this special process really was. At present, all is in place for what you have truly waited for. We simply ask you to continue on with your passion and quickly set in motion the divine prototypes that are to graciously symbolize this new and wondrous realm! (Sheldan Nidle, Sept. 5, 2017.)
There is no doubt that time continues to speed up, as you make progress towards the time of great changes that will transform your world. You are venturing further into the higher vibrations that come with the photon belt, and they will transform your Earth into what will eventually seem a paradise compared to your present life experiences.
They are changes that have been planned for a very long time and are now gradually manifesting, and nothing can prevent them from fully appearing. Much hinges around the announcement being made of the new Republic that is now ready to replace the present one. The dark Ones will do all they can to delay the announcement and are becoming desperate as their power continues to rapidly diminish. …
So many changes that are for the good of all are waiting to be introduced and as you have been told many times before, the circumstances have to be such that they cannot be interfered with or delayed. (Mike Quinsey’s Higher-Self Message, Sept. 1, 2017.)