In my reading with him on Feb. 17, 2017, I asked Archangel Michael if he was the source of two ideas that came into my mind: “Noble stewards of the Mother’s abundance” and “buddhas in business.” He said he was.
Buddhas in business? Wow, what might that mean?
In my opinion, the point is, as he’s said on other occasions, that the standard of integrity for lightworker humanitarian projects needs to be that high. Buddhas in business. Let me not pretend to have plumbed that one.
Stewards of the Mother’s wealth hinges upon recognition that this money that I’m handling is not my money; it’s the Mother’s money. I then live up to the standards of integrity that handling the Mother’s money (or anyone else’s money) calls out from me.
But I really do. Not just talk, but action.
I’m simply her agent in the matter of irrigating society, of turning the desert into a watered plain.
I wish I could share some of the requirements that have been asked of me around the Michaelangelo Fund, but there are other people involved and it wouldn’t be fair to them to mention the subject. But he’s very clear about the high standards of integrity he expects of all employees.
He’s given us many indications over time that (1) the Company of Heaven are watching our performance and (2) ordinary standards and levels of integrity won’t cut it in the new financial world.
Lightworkers, he told me this last time, are going to be handling and managing immense wealth. We can only do that successfully if we treat the money as the Mother’s, that she has entrusted to us as part of her pipeline of abundance.
We walk a fine line of dedication to our work for the Mother while at the same time having no attachment to money.
On the first, we need to have the kind of dedication to seeing that her funds reach their intended destination that a nation at war would have in seeing that equipment and supplies reach the front. Single-mindedness, brooking no obstacle, finding the way around.
On the second, the Buddha might say we can only be entrusted with wealth if we already have great dispassion towards it. Other words for dispassion: Balance, equanimity, detachment.
On this need for detachment both noble steward and buddha in business align.
Maybe that’s my beachhead of understanding in this bit of new territory. As a working hypothesis: The secret of performing successfully as a steward of the Mother’s abundance and a buddha in business is dedication to her service of acting as a pipeline for abundance while dropping all attachment to money.
May I say one more word about detachment?
Detachment is not detachment from everything. It’s detachment from things that prove an obstacle to our journey to enlightenment.
It’s not detachment from God or things divine.
It’s attachment to whatever the goal of your path is: In my case it’s service to the Divine Mother.
I used to say that the basic spiritual movement is turning from the world to God, which is just another way of making this same point.
Detachment from those things that hold me back evolutionarily and attachment to those things that carry me forward is turning from the world to God.
I think this is what Paul (Saul) was referring to when he said (paraphrased):
When I was a child [unascended], I played with childish things. But when I became a man [ascended], I put aside the toys of childhood [including the attachment to money].