This lull before events start gives us more time to consider numerous matters before the tsunami of abundance sweeps many of us (well, OK, me, then) off our feet.
You can see me stressing leadership and reproducing some discussions with Archangel Michael on this subject. It’s an important topic to AAM.
He depends on us lightworkers emerging as leaders. If we don’t, a vacuum is created which the newly-awakened won’t be able to fill. We’ve adjusted to the energies. We’ve divested ourselves of all the Third-Dimensional residue that we could. We’ve done the work and he now depends on us to lead the way for others.
So here’s a discussion between an archangel and his servant, from a private reading, on everything to do with the need for lightworker leadership. Hear what he says to me as being said to you as well. From April 2015.
Steve Beckow: Do you know, last week I had an explosive resumption of personal authority after years and years and years of being ridiculed by people like (I probably don’t need to name them, you know them) four women, as it turns out, who ridiculed me at work and high school. I just died inside at the time. …
I feel hell-bent on re-assuming my personal responsibility and my authority. Can you tell me something about that?
Archangel Michael: I have been doing this to you and Gabrielle has been doing it to the channel [Linda Dillon].
SB: … To the channel?… What is it that’s happening?
AAM: It is time for that assumption of leadership responsibility to be front and center. So the avoidance due to prior injuries – terrible injury, particularly to one that has been in a leadership or cutting-edge position not only upon Gaia but elsewhere – that was deep devastation.
Now I am very busy healing the wounds of war and who do you think I am starting with?
My inner cadre, and, dear heart, that includes you. So I need you as you need me.
SB: You are calling me forth, right? That’s what’s happening, is it not?
AAM: That is exactly what is happening. That is why this line in the sand [the incident under discussion] is being created.
It is not about the old realm of control or greed, or anything like that. It is, in order for the plan to be unfolding, in order for the practical building blocks (which is what you’re asking for – money) to be in place, there has need to be a very strong re-assumption of leadership.
SB: I see that, Lord. I didn’t really do a very good job.
AAM: No, you have done an excellent job. (1)
Let us also comment on this and I am asking the channel to listen.
It was very important to build community. (2) That was the task at hand. Unity, community and understanding of the process of reliability, of sincerity, a connectedness that built the sense of Light Worker Community, of heart-to-heart-to-heart community.
That has been achieved.
But now, as wayshower, there has need to be someone, and many someone’s, at the head of the line saying, “This way.”
SB: I implicitly know that, Lord. It’s pushing out from inside of me.
AAM: So, you have done the work of building community, of teamwork, of collegiality, of sincerity, of love. That does not go by the wayside.
The leadership does not come from an arbitrary assumption of control. It comes from a deeper desire than ever to truly serve.
And how does one serve? Each in their own particular way.
But leadership is necessary and it does not mean “better than.”
You know that I am the, literal and designated, head of this Legion of Peace. I do not assume that every being in my Legion of Blue is not crucial, critical, pivotal, equal, and different, than I. We are a unified force, serving the Mother. No more, no less. Each having our position, our commitment, our responsibility and our role.
I have said to you, I look forward to the time when I will be back playing the harp and painting the sky, but until such time, I will stay as the Archangel of Peace.
SB: So this new paradigm then is leadership without control, isn’t it?
AAM: That is correct. It is leadership with love.
SB: Yes, I haven’t got that one down overly well yet.
AAM: You are getting there. Simply bring it back up, dear heart, and let it flow. It is dormant. You haven’t been attending it as vigilantly as you might because you have been worried and in fear around finances. Be re-assured and go forth.
SB: This is a repeat of the Six Day Training where the requirement was to go for leadership and I found that that was the only way to serve. (3) It all feels really good. This is a repeat of the Denver Airport as well, isn’t it? (4)
AAM: Yes.
SB: Yes, all right. I’m reconnecting with that.
AAM: You are reconnecting the dots and understanding that this has been nibbling at your heels for a long time.
SB: It has. I know that. Easily since October last year but even way before that. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Apr. 3, 2015.)
(1) Archangel Michael is ever supportive.
(2) In other words, previously it was imperative to build community but now it’s necessary to assume leadership responsibility.
(3) The Six-Day Course was an est Network workshop in the late 1970s. In a war game, we had to choose a leader – and not democratically. I went for leadership when I saw that a good leader gives others the chance to get themselves by crashing up against him or her. When I could see leadership as service, I told the “army” in a loud voice: “I am your leader. Sit down!” And they did. Matter settled.
(4) The reservations clerks at Denver Airport were discussing the fact that we passengers would not make our flight but they were aware that our baggage was currently being loaded with no effort being made to stop it. I turned around and announced what was happening to the crowd and an action began that led to our being put up in hotels overnight, having our needs and necessities catered to, enjoying a great breakfast together and embarking on the first flight out the next day, with fond memories.