Three things are coming together for me, undoubtedly in the face of the ongoing tsunami of love.
Those three things are willingness, personal responsibility, and impatience.
I’m willing to carry out my mission, in a way I never have been before. There’s less wavering, much more certainty.
I’m willing to take responsibility for the state of my world, never mind simply for my participation in it.
And I’m so impatient to get going that I’ll explode if I don’t find some useful way of channeling my enthusiasm. (Well, I guess this is the way.)
I flash on Winston Churchill and how, prior to becoming Prime Minister, he had a hit-and-miss record, was considered a pest and a turncoat, and was ridiculed for warning the House of Commons of imminent danger from Germany.
And yet, when he became Prime Minister, it was as if he had been waiting for that moment the whole of his life.
Suddenly, finding himself in a post that gave him scope and space, he became a galvanizing force, rallying the British people and preparing them for what needed to be done.
He said that the Germans would have to come to the War Room and take him out bodily because he wouldn’t leave until the Germans were defeated.
I put that vision out in front of me and ask myself to make it true for me as well – that, when the starting flag drops, rather than being vexed and confused, I find myself strapped into the seat I was born to occupy, all else unfolding as it should.
Let it be that folks have to come and drag me out bodily because I’ve found my calling.