(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Finally, she lays the whole picture out for us.
“You have assumed form, and let me say to you I have allowed you to assume form. I have chosen and created and birthed you into form. That is the Plan at work and I have done this, we have done this, with that spark of divinity (5) so that you would be divine in form.
“And what that means in very practical terms is the assumption of your divine authority to be in charge of your life, of your thoughts, of your feelings, of your actions, of your behaviors, of your steps, of your environments, all the way out to the edges of the universe, throughout all times and dimensions. But I won’t go there because that would confuse and this is me trying to be practical.
“If you do not take authority over your existence – think in practical terms, this life – then what happens? You are adrift. You are in fact that row boat in the middle of the ocean being twisted and turned every which way. Divine authority means choosing, yes, with your free will and your divine authority of free will, to direct how, where, when, if you choose to proceed.” (6)
“The creation, yes, it is mine, but it is also yours. If the Mother sees her beloved child as an artist or an architect, [she] says, ‘Here. Here are the water colors. Here are the Lego blocks. Build what is divinely beautiful. I give you my divine authority to do so. I will guide you. I will help you. But I entrust this to you as well.’” (7)
How could she be more direct in her reassurance of us that, if we take up our divine authority and act, in the highest interests of the world and the service of the Mother, we’ll have what we need and all will turn out well?
How could she have challenged us more directly and yet more gently to take full responsibility for our participation in the events that lie ahead? She’s calling us out of our shells and hiding places.
How many people in the world even know about the Divine Mother? Of those, how many really believe she exists? Of those, how many know very much about her? How many know that her word is law in the universe? And has she not just spoken to us? (4)
She just gave us our marching orders, assuring us of our divine authority to do what we do in her name, assuring us that we will be supplied with what we need, and telling us to go forth and manifest. She’ll see that we have the Lego blocks, “the wherewithal to proceed as your creator self.”
For me, it was like all of us just got knighted and sent forth to sow the seeds of love, bliss, and peace around the world.
(5) The soul, the Christ, the Atman, the Self.
The Mother has just said that she birthed the being into form.
However before being birthed into form, the being was a divine spark of the Father.
Everyone is a soul-in-a-body. The Father is in the Mother as the seed/spark or soul within their common Child. Gestation in the womb could be conceived of as the common Child in the Third Dimension. Birth from the womb could be conceived of as the common Child ascending to the Fifth Dimension.
(6) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.
(7) Loc. cit.
(4) For more on her, see “On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/the-nature-of-the-divine-mother/on-the-nature-of-the-divine-mother-or-holy-spirit-2/