After the Reval, in the various funds and foundations we set up, one of the things we’ll be doing is we’ll be irrigating the field.
If you’ve been to an arid area, like the Interior of British Columbia, you’ll probably have seen irrigation wheel lines hydrating the field within their reach. That’s what we’re doing.
If we agree to this kind of financial lightwork, each of us becomes an irrigation wheel line hydrating the field within our reach. That may be an island, a town, a city. It may not be a geographical area at all, but an art or science or technology. Or a target population – single mothers, veterans, seniors.
We’re watering the plant of the human spirit, in some cases with much-needed, hard-cash relief from the stress of being in debt, not making ends meet, or facing uncertainty about the future. In other cases, birthing projects that multiply the effect of our giving.
We probably can’t “do it all” with the funds available to us. I found that even wanting to level the playing field for single mothers in the City of Vancouver would have cost trillions. Cannot reach that goal. So, instead of doing everything, we may have to target and ignite, inspire and empower. We may have to use our money strategically to inspire others.
Hire people for our projects? You bet. Create employment for our countrymen? I’d love to. Welcome aboard. Six-hour days. Great remuneration package. Life as it should be.
Welcome to a most unusual project. Here we don’t earn money. In humanitarian philanthropy, we gift it to others, albeit in a responsible, organized, and targeted way.
Here we don’t answer to shareholders for a wise and growing investment. We answer to our own conscience as lightworkers and to the Divine Mother for our dispersal of her abundance. But that’s a stronger foundation to build on than seeking profit. And we get to feel our “expansion of beingness,” as Archangel Michael called it, (1) as a result of our participation.
The Company of Heaven is watching how we do. AAM once told me: “Know that, where there are gaps and holes, we are waiting to see how the shift is affecting the collective of humanity and the collective of the foundations and the various groups.” (2) My understanding is that, having watched us all, those who do well and can be counted on to perform will be offered greater and greater responsibilities.
More recently, he confirmed this, saying:
“Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … [will] become the spokesbeings for many.” (3)
Serapis Bey told us in this week’s Hour with an Angel (4) that those who simply came from service to self wouldn’t be used by the Company of Heaven. By inference those who’ve passed from service to self to service to others would.
We’re reversing our view of what needs to be done now: Gifting money rather than amassing it. What could be more counter-intuitive?
We’re supporting each other to take on activities that we’ve never done before, with larger sums of money than we’ve ever handled and a lot of people depending on us.
If we just stopped there, even with that, we’ve made a priceless contribution to pushing forward the baseline of lightwork on Terra Gaia, the leading edge of the ground crew’s efforts in building Nova Earth.
Wherever we find unworkability, just as Tomorrowland said, let’s fix it. We don’t have to do it all; just the things that are standing right here in front of us, calling for our attention – and hydration.
The real currency – the real gift here – is and always will be love. I think three things will change the spiritual landscape we live in: (A) The love we send out; (B) The love we feel through serving the One in society; and (C) The misery that’s released by the work we do. The combination of the three, I believe, produces the rapidly-growing light the Company of Heaven tells us they see when they look at Gaia.
We’re creating love and passing it along, which rewards us by the ever-increasing experience of love as it passes through us. (5) The thing that’s produced by all our work and the only treasure worth seeking is love.
(1) Archangel Michael in a Personal Reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 27, 2016. Used with permission.
(2) Ibid., Dec. 11, 2013. Used with permission.
(3) Ibid., May 27, 2016.
(4) June 2, 2016, at
(5) Love is the pattern of the Mother. Love will always flow. It will never stand still. The Mother is energy, movement. In her universal aspect, she never stands still. Were she do so, the world would return to its Origin. Love is her energy and the flow of love is her movement. It supports the world; comprises it; and dissolves it in the end.