Contrast these two memories. The first I mentioned a few days ago.
The former-high school president is asked to address the 50th Reunion. He tells them about the shift in consciousness oncoming and was told that this was not the proper venue for it.
Ouch. That’s scene one. Now scene two.
At the 2012 Scenario Conference in Oct. 2012 that same lad is given the opportunity to address 450 lightworkers, all of whom share the same point of view.
He gets to talk about the purpose of life to a crowd of his peers and not be booed out of the hall.
Oh my. Like this apartment, it was heaven.
I get it. Lightworkers are my family.
I was gossiping with someone this morning and we both shared how we practically want to run out of the room from Third-Dimensional conversations these days. Eyes to the ground. Just get me outta here.
I can think of two people I could have a conversation with, face to face, in the flesh, who share my perspective. That makes mine a mostly-online community.
Ahhh, there’s one in New Jersey, and one in Port Lucie, FL, and one in San Pedro, CA. We live around the world – one here, one there – and we’re family to each other.
Lightworkers are our family.
Please recall what Archangel Michael said about the future of lightworkers:
Archangel Michael: Does the conversation expand organically and naturally? Does the energy go out to the entire planet, those who want to hear and those who don’t want to hear? Yes, it does. But it begins with the lightworker community. That is what we have need of.
Steve Beckow: And I suppose then more and more people join the lightworker community?
AAM: Exactly, until it is one family and one path. (1)
So it’s in our future that we’re a growing family. The basic tie among us is the recognition of the Divine Mother’s Plan for Life and a vague sense or intuition that we are part of it, that we have a job to do, a role to play, a vision to fulfill.
All of us are servants of the Mother, whether we know it or not. The Mother is all that can be known and author of everything we see – and don’t see. There is not an archangel or a seraphim that does not serve the Mother.
In the work we do for her, I’d like to invite us to aim for an “open-hearted consciousness.” It may be hard to imagine, but it’s a condition of life where love flows like a torrent. That love is unconditional, universal, and transformative. It’s not at all like ordinary love.
To reach the point of loving all universally and unconditionally would be the highest development of the lightworker that I can imagine.
To have reached that place and be able to lead from it will be a great blessing for the person concerned and everyone they work with.
Our specific task is to build a New Earth, a world that works for everyone. The Old Earth worked for very few and was spiraling further and further into darkness.
Lightworkers will need to organize. We’ll need to cooperate. Models from the past probably will not work.
But you and me – lightworkers – are the ones who are going to head this business up and build the momentum to create a new world, from the ground floor up.
(1) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at