What a crazy affair! When has a company been in business to disburse money? To give it away.
When has a company’s success been judged on how well they do the job of irrigating their intended recipients? And serving their employees?
And yet that’s what you and I’ll be doing.
What happened to jobless recoveries, mergers and acquisitions, dotcom bubbles, downsizing, relocating factories overseas, union busting, and replacing workers with robots? What happened to a buyer’s market for labor?
The job market, full-time employment, and the vertical organization were shredded in the years since the recession of the early Eighties. People now are on contract, with no prospect of a pension or benefits plan, and no possibility of advancement. All is uncertainty. But that wasn’t the case before 1982.
We lightworkers are reversing that trend. We’re providing harmonious, meaningful work for real people. We’re doing as much to take care of them as we can without assuming functions proper to the state (universal medicare and education, for example).
We don’t have to talk any more about sharks eating our lunch. We’re not out to trash Japan or trap the Russian bear. We don’t compete with anyone; we cooperate.
Everything about the social-Darwinist and illuminati agenda of the Twentieth Century, we’ve left behind us.
We have a chance to do what we only dreamed of doing decades ago. Who would have guessed, when you were a kid dreaming about changing the world, that you’d get a chance?
This challenge calls for new thinking, new paradigms, and new modes of feeling and experiencing.
The reward is watching the world come alive again, watching starving babies survive, seeing women held in slavery released, seeing wars of greed and aggression stop.
The reward is witnessing the old world’s dysfunctionality be jettisoned in a new world based on mutual respect and loving-kindness.
In past generations, one could question whether one’s life makes a difference. Not in this life.