We sure had a real heart-to-heart from the Divine Mother the other day.
I wonder if we fully appreciate how fortunate we are to have her coaching us in a manner like this:
“Spiritually mature decisions also require, my beloveds, spiritually mature preparation. You have entered a phase of claiming your birthright of freedom and power, in the truest sense, to be in sacred partnership with us.
“So have we been assisting you? Yes. We have been showing you how to tie your shoes, how to bake bread, how to create Nova Earth. But, we have not been tying your shoes for you or serving up your dinner because that would not empower you. And the anchoring of your promise and the promise of this plan is your assumption of your divine authority. I do not use these words lightly.” (1)
Did you feel the light sword tap on your shoulder? Rerun that part please.
We have been maturely preparing. For years. Core issues, conditioned behavior, masks, constructed selves. All raised to awareness. All now up to be observed and let go of.
And yes, the territory that lies ahead of us will always be unknown, until we land up there. So we face continually moving forward into the unknown.
It’s only trust that allows us to do that. Trust in what?
As the Mother said, trust first and foremost in her. She is the Father. There’s no need to think you need to make a choice between them. They are one and the same, Mother/Father God, with different duties. (2)
The Mother is the source of the universal law.
The universal law is like the good shepherd that keeps the flock moving forward to safe haven.
She’s the source of the Divine Plan.
What’s that?
The Divine Plan lays out how the vast collectivity of souls – no matter in what kingdom – are launched upon and complete their journey from Mother/Father God, who birthed them, back to Mother/Father God again, after a journey of countless educational lifetimes in matter/mater/Mother.
Completing the journey is called “reunion” or “mergence.” The journey itself is marked by various stages of enlightenment. Our task is to complete the next stage of the journey – Ascension to the Fifth Dimension or beyond. That is the Plan for Earth.
Why is there such a Plan?
Every time one of us realizes him or herself in a moment of enlightenment, for an instant, God meets God. For the pleasure of the One meeting Itself was all of life created. The Plan lays out how the journey from God to God is accomplished.
That meeting of God with God gets deeper and deeper in bliss, love, peace, etc., the farther along we go. But it’s still and always will be a basic meeting between God and God: The God whom we realize ourselves to be and the God who has just been “found out” merge for a time. No veil. No blindfold. No divided mind.
Pause here for a moment. We’ve just looked at the purpose of life. How many times have you asked to know if life had a purpose? There it is, as laid out by Earth’s enlightened sages. (3)
This is priceless knowledge, freely available on the Internet to our generation. Again how fortunate we are.
The Mother adds:
“You have stepped forward. You are authorized and empowered and you are and will be given the wherewithal to proceed as your creator self, never simply as a minion, a puppet.” (4)
It sounds pretty clear that the Mother wants us to feel confident about the outcome of what we set in motion – operating from our divine authority and in her service. We will have what we need to do the work we intend to do. Our guides will know what we need. The archangels will know. And the Mother herself will know.
(To be concluded tomorrow.)
(1) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.
(2) The biological division of labor, I’m sure we’ll find, is designed to mirror this division of labor that exists between the Mother and the Father.
The Father has no direct connection with the material domain. “He’s” typically represented as being a void, empty and still. When the Father moves and creates, preserves, and transforms universes, we call Him “the Mother.” Everything about the human procreative process and even the rearing of the child mirrors reality at the divine level of Mother/Father God.
For us to realize them is, as we saw, the purpose of our lives and all life.
(3) On this matter see See “Enlightenment – Enlightenment is the Purpose of Life at https://goldengaiadb.com/E#Enlightenment_-_Enlightenment_is_the_purpose_of_life and below. See also The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://gaog.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf
(4) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother,” ibid.