In my reading with him on Oct. 11, 2016, Archangel Michael discussed many subjects related to the Reval at length.
In this fifth excerpt, he denies that the large sums being cited for Zims are accurate and says that that would create a new class of haves and have-nots.
He says that the Company of Heaven are willing to tolerate some lightworkers not working out and to go by way of on-the-job training rather than waiting for us to be completely ready.
Thanks to Linda for our reading and to Dana for our transcript. Any italics in the text are mine. Copyright Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, Inc., 2016.
Steve Beckow: How good a comparison is it to compare the Reval to the Marshall Plan? (1)
Archangel Michael: It has some merit. It has some benefit because what it does is it gives you a historical reference in terms of understanding the rebuilding of societies.
Steve: What are the drawbacks?
AAM: The drawbacks are the historical references to victor and victim, the defeated and those who have been victorious, the feeling of owing versus balance. …
Steve: I know I ask it every time but what are we waiting for? …
AAM: You’re not waiting. You’re preparing. You’re in the process and this is like saying some level of planning. You may feel, my beloved friend, that you are well prepared. We cannot say that for others.
Now has the decision been made that we and you – many – will proceed and that there will be many who squander and who are ill-equipped to manage? The answer is yes.
But what we would suggest to you is that this is in process. It is not a matter of delay and waiting.
Steve: In other words, people are doing things to bring this forth. That’s what you mean by “this is in process”?
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: You don’t mean that “We are waiting a certain amount of time for you guys to pull up your socks.”
AAM: No, that’s not what we mean. We have waited for you to pull up your socks, as it were. And we do not say that by way of criticism.
But it is a decision that has been made in other arenas as well as your own human arena that it is better to proceed and have, shall we say, some on-the-job training. …
Steve: Any idea why people are saying really large sums for the Zim?
AAM: They are fantasizing. They are dreaming. They are having grandiose dreams and part of the difficulty with this is also the inflated sense of self-importance and that must not be a guiding principle. …
Do not forget our purpose and the human purpose of restructuring is not to destroy economies, is not to create mayhem in the streets and that’s what these inflated estimations would do.
It would create a new system of haves and have-nots and that is not the purpose of any building of Nova Earth.
There is only one guiding principle and that is the fulfilment of the Mother’s dream of love.
Anything that would create chaos and more disruption is not of love.
Steve: Is there anything else you the want to say on the subject to lightworkers before I change it?
AAM: No, all we say is, “Be realistic my friends. If you want to see, and I know many of you do, governments topple, [will] that toppling crush the populace? If the answer is yes, redirect your attention.”
It is not the way we work. It is not the way your star family works. And it is not the way that you as the doers, the lightworkers are intended to work.
(Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 11, 2016.)
(1) After World War II, President Harry S. Truman tasked Secretary of State General George Marshall with arriving at a financial plan that would save Europe from collapse. The Marshall Plan was the result. It saw Europe receive $12 billion in grants and aid.