I just popped into bliss again. In the midst of having an imaginary conversation with my imaginary partners at the equally-imaginary Michaelangelo Fund, I suddenly became aware that I was in bliss.
Hello, my love. Welcome. Please, stay awhile.
[I later remembered that I had just read Archangel Gabrielle’s channeling (1) where she suggested we ask the archangels for love. I asked them for bliss. In retrospect, I’m pretty sure this was them delivering. In the state I’m in, I probably won’t be going anywhere today. I can’t walk. Thank you, Archangels.]
I was giving an introductory talk to new employees, in my head. May I continue? A little bliss-impacted.
A certain amount of this money is mine. (2) But the greatest part I regard as having come from and belonging to God, Heaven, the Divine Mother, however you want to characterize the Source.
We’re its stewards. And what we’re about to do is counterintuitive to everything we’ve been taught on the subject of business.
Most people go into business to make money. We’re in business to disburse it. Most companies increase their value over time. We’re going to decrease ours. Most companies invest. We’re going to divest.
We’ll be creating projects to fund other projects. Humanitarian projects. Our lead initiative is the Gender Equality Project. We’ll be financially supporting women’s groups worldwide to end gender inequality and gender persecution on the planet. Ours will be strategic or targeted gifting.
The projects we’ll be running are intended to inspire, empower, and finance global reformation in their areas.
No, we won’t be gifting the public. Others will be doing that (and we’ve contributed to them). (3) It’s a division of labor.
All of us lightworkers in combination are going to build a world that works, with our money.
You’re employees of the Michaelangelo Fund. What can you expect to see?
All of you received a sheet with our compensation package on it. You’ve had a chance to negotiate your salary.
The compensation package is designed to stay within limits that allow it to serve as an industry standard but to be as generous as possible within them.
Your own needs and expectations are something you can discuss freely with your human-relations adviser. In the end, the general package may require reasonable adjustment.
Now for your part. To work for the Michaelangelo Fund, you’re going to need to be squeaky clean, financially. Teflon. Solid integrity.
You’ll need to be aware that this is the Divine Mother’s money, funding a consciousness shift across the planet. It cannot be disbursed by people who themselves have financial issues they bring to work.
So, yes, we’ll relieve you of your debt and we’ll relieve the debts of your siblings and parents as well. If there are any other financial situations that compete for your attention, we need to know about them and we’ll need to agree on a way to handle them too.
At the other end of the spectrum, there cannot be a general hankering after money and a particular hankering after the money we’re distributing. Sooner or later, that will lead to lapses in integrity.
If you hanker after money, that’s something that’ll need to be handled before you take up your post.
To do your job the way it’s intended, you’ll need to be neutral towards money. We acknowledge our part by seeing to your reasonable concerns so that you have the space to be with money in a neutral way.
If you’re to work for us, there cannot be conflicts of interest. That’s where problems arise. If you’re involved in decision-making, you’ll need to declare a conflict of interest when it arises and excuse yourself from making decisions in the matter. In other cases, a conflict of interest should be reported if it competes for your attention with your work.
We agree to resolve conflict by mediation. We agree not to gossip or sidebar about our colleagues.
Our intention is to leave the Middle Ages behind and create a “New Normal,” a “Nova Way of Being” in business.
There’s also an attitudinal requirement for working with the Michaelangelo Fund.
In my view, this business will not work if we import our beliefs from an outdated business paradigm to this enterprise. It’s not a dog-eat-dog world out there. No one is eating our lunch.
Let’s call that old way of seeing things “Us Against Them.” As a worldview, it worked for the successful, the savvy, and the strong.
But we’re building an “Us And Them” world that works for everyone – (4) everyone who wants to be part of it, that is, and to observe its human rights and freedoms.
This time we won’t be abandoning our “Us And Them” vision to “keep peace” in the family or “make up” with “Us Against Them.” Not going there any more. All aboard now! The ship is leaving.
It’s time to say goodbye to all that. The old paradigm of doing business? Let it go. Old paradigms of relationship? Let them go. Old patterns of reactivity? Let them all go. Just drop them.
And what supports this kind of behavior? What recent arrival makes it feasible to see and live life this way?
Bliss makes it easy and natural.
And what is the Council of Love and Company of Heaven offering this entire planet in unparalleled generosity, for the asking ?
Bliss is what makes a world work for everyone. Bliss is what causes a whole planet to care for everyone, to provide for everyone, and to refrain from judging. (A wave of bliss just came up from inside of me. Almost sent me into unconsciousness.)
You have to ask for bliss. Or get knocked over by the energies. I don’t see how anyone will be able to avoid it for long, the way we’re speeding along spiritually.
Add a dash of love to bliss and you get ecstacy.
It just keeps getting better.
(1) “Archangel Gabrielle: Who is the Council of Love and What is Its Purpose?” Feb. 28, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=273441.
(2) In reality, nothing is “mine.” All is God’s.
(3) So please folks, don’t email over anything you read in this article. If I’m overwhelmed with email, it’ll ruin a really wonderful experiment in generosity. Be my partners and holster that pen. Start a blog instead! Pinterest! Twitter!
The foundations that will be assisting lightworkers will make themselves known as soon as they’re up and running. No one wants premature publicity and the risk of an email flood.
(4) The distinction between “Us Against Them” and “Us And Them” is not mine. It was made by Werner Erhard. Thank you, Werner.