My chemistry teacher taught me never to say never. Always leave room for doubt, error, new perspectives, additional information. Life is open-ended. My ongoing namaste to him has been to use the word “etc.” a great deal, to convey this open-endedness. It acknowledges just what he said – that I could be wrong, more knowledge […]
Reducing the One through Comparison
Any metaphor a writer uses for the One runs the risk of the reader reducing the One to the object of the comparison. If I say the One is lawless, you may immediately see a Western movie black-hat gunslinger. How useful is that to the “knower” of the unknowable? It might trigger a realization if […]
In the World but Not of It
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…. Well, we’re certainly used to waiting! I’m in a philosophical mood today. I feel guided to look at duality, to show that it isn’t inherently bad or wrong. The very first act in the drama of our lives was one of imaginary separation, individuation. No, […]
Point of Awareness in an Ocean of Love – Part 1/2
2022: I no longer believe that our individuality disappears after we go Home to Mother/Father One. My job, when people come here (and I speak as an individual editor), is to lay out the details of what’s happening right now and speed you on your way. As a pillar, I stay till the end of […]
Why is Awareness so Important?
Why is awareness so important? Why not love? Why not good works? Well, of course those are also very important. But awareness – which is also called discernment and discrimination in some religions – is of ultimate importance. Why? By now I should be able to ask “What is the purpose of life?” and a […]
Never Forget the Destination, the One
I was recovering from three days spent re-experiencing humiliation (1) and I lay on the couch and asked Michael: What was the most important thing for me to know after all that? What would ground me? Inspire me? Show me where to go next? And I lay there. And eventually the words formed in my […]
Realization and Ascension
Most people in the world do not know about Ascension. Most do not believe that we survive bodily death. Certainly most do not know that life has a purpose, a direction, a meaning. (1) What we believe determines the world we live in – and the world we don’t. Another way of saying that is […]
The Cat is Out of the Bag
For me, there are three levels of reality in our Third/Fourth Dimension (that’s where I seem to be). The first is the intellectual. It includes our body, its emotions, the spirit, and everything else. It’s just that it attempts to know them and itself only from the standpoint of ideas. It goes no deeper than […]
Taking Myself Seriously
It’s very strange. When I take my self, my life, my mission seriously, I feel a very pleasant change of energy. The situation is like turning the dial of a radio and coming upon a station “playing my music.” I perk up and leave the dial there. So here, on this frequency of taking myself […]
Mother/Father God’s Plan of Enlightenment
Question: If you filled every inch of space and were the only one present, how would you know yourself? Answer: Create an illusory world in which illusory selves go on a voyage of discovery and realize their true identity, at which point the One meets the One. That is how you would know yourself when […]
Moods and Divine Qualities
The equivalent of our moods in a dualistic dimension (3rd, 4th) are the divine qualities in a higher dimension (5th-12th). I used to think of the divine qualities as being like things you could put in a pigeon hole, the hotel boards that featured dozens of little cubby holes in which you put a message? […]
Ascension is a Process
We talk about Ascension as if it were an “Event.” There are events that are components of Ascension, but Ascension itself is not a single event, but a process comprised of several events. I recently quoted Archangel Michael on the matter. For me, the quote is appropriate to all of us: “You have been given […]
Hannah B: The Cruise Ship of Life
Guest Writer What does it all mean? Oftentimes, I find myself pondering life and what it all means. Why things happen the way they do, when they do and why they do. Life is like a cruise ship. We’re all guests on this cruise ship called LIFE that originated from Home – and we’re all […]
What Makes Our Work Different from That of the Classical Sages?
From 1976, the year I “graduated” from a three-month encounter group which introduced me to spirituality, until 2008, the year my friend Len Satov introduced me to the notion of Ascension, I studied the works of terrestrial sages on enlightenment. I also studied the communications of people who had passed over into the spirit realms. […]
The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Nov. 17, 2019
November 17, 2019, Dear ones, welcome to our message. Many of you find yourselves confused, depressed, and even entertaining the sense of wanting to give up and go home. Yes, give up, but let it be a giving up of fighting, resisting, and fearing three-dimensional illusions. Old, false, and obsolete creations are sustained […]