Werner continues with the limiting beliefs that undermine our efforts to make a difference in the quality of life on our planet. Starvation does not persist on the planet, he asserts, because it’s inevitable and there are no solutions. Werner Erhard, The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. 1977, at http://www.wernererhard.net/thpsource.html […]
The World Demonstrates the Power of an Idea Whose Time has Come (Includes Bolivia)
“When the time for things comes, they happen by whatever means are available,” Werner Erhard said. (1) Three recent events illustrate that. The first is the recent commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall. When the time came for freedom for East Germans, not even a concrete wall could prevent its advent and spread […]
Werner Erhard on Responsibility
I consider this to be masterfully said. To say “to experience responsibility as a space” is the same, for me, as saying to experience love as a space. Ordinarily we’re in a denser form of 3/4D consciousness and we’re not capable of experiencing spaces or higher states of consciousness. Then suddenly the doors of our […]
Werner Erhard on Responsibility
_________________________ From The est Standard Training, published in Biosciences Communication, 1977, at https://wernererhardquotes.wordpress.com/tag/responsibility/. _________________________ Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of one’s life. It is a declaration not an assertion; that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. Responsibility is not […]
Werner Erhard: Butterflies Can Explain How Caterpillars Came to Fly
In the course of a conversation with a reader, I became aware of the fact that Werner Erhard (1) had posted online one of the most stimulating books for humanitarian philanthropists I’ve ever read. Werner was … is … an enlightened humanitarian philosopher. He might call himself an ontologist, a student of being. I’d add […]
Trimming Down for Paradigm Shifts
Reposted from Oct. 2009. Enlightenment and Paradigm Shifts I said earlier that we don’t want ice on our wings when trying to take off in our plane or we’ll stall. Recent events have shown me that it isn’t just Ascension that may bring a “take-off” in our lives. We’ll be faced with the opportunity for […]
Laying New Track – Part 1/2
I’ve told the story a number of times, from Werner Erhard. A man aboard a train looked out the right window and saw that the train was heading for disaster. He warned the other passengers. All the passengers joined him on the right side of the train and looked. They conferred among themselves but no […]
Laying New Track – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) Here’s another new rail. Another name for a world that works for everyone, seen from my view, is a “cooperative commonwealth.” A cooperative commonwealth is distinctly new track. It was first recommended in the early 20th Century. (1) A Canadian political party calling itself the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation was largely […]