I just transcribed a fascinating video of Elizabeth April interviewing 24-year-old wunderkind, Quantum Physicist, Deep Prasad. Deep’s credentials, according to his Twitter page, are Quantum Computing and Runiversic researcher, CEO of ReactiveQ, VP Tech UAP Expeditions. (1.) What is inspiring to me about these “children,” Elizabeth and Deep, both in their early twenties, is that […]
My Armor of Light – Kat
Paramahansa Yogananda once said that Gandhi’s entire life was lived for his last few seconds on Earth. When an assassin fired three bullets into Gandhi’s body at point-blank range, the Mahatma blessed his assassin, then called out God’s name, which for him was “Rama” or “Ram,” and then collapsed to the ground. What Yogananda meant […]
Elizabeth April Video: Q&A 4-13-20 by Kat
Below is another transcription of a video from Elizabeth April. It’s a 25-minute video, thank goodness. The most recent David Wilcock video I’d intended to transcribe was nearly 5-hours and, honestly, I just wasn’t up to the task! And, anyway, he repeated pretty much what he’d already said. He simply proved that he prophesied what […]
3D – 5D New Earth Shift: Elizabeth April Video, 4-6-20
3D – 5D New Earth Shift: Elizabeth April video, from Joshua Tree, CA 4-6-20 Transcribed by Kat I only recently discovered Elizabeth April in an article published in The Golden Age of Gaia on April 4th, 2020. (1.) She is delightful to listen to, and her channeling and observations are fascinating. Elizabeth has been in […]
Lisa Renee: Mother Arc Portal for SRA’d Children
Many of us watched, with horror, the video of thousands of children being liberated, posted in the Golden Age of Gaia, on April 4, 2020. (1.) Without doubt, more information will be released on this tragic subject in coming days, and eventually, it will be known by everyone worldwide. Once the global reset is done, […]
David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Q&A Pt. 2
(Concluded from yesterday.) 4 : 4 is meant to be a very powerful meditation day — (1.) I’ll spend much of today praying and meditating for Gaia, her kingdoms—Animals, Elements, Minerals, Plants, Forests, Mountains, Magical, Devas, Crystals, Precious stones, All her kingdoms known and unknown to me at this time—humanity and all beings; that we […]
David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Q&A
I offer my partial fourth transcription of a David Wilcock video (long). I got as far as 2 hours, seven minutes. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow. I do it because I feel the information is important, and not everyone likes to watch hours of videos. David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Q&A 4-1-20 […]
The Great Shift
I hope everyone is finding the self-isolating “time out” a fascinating experience. I’m a writer and recluse by nature, so being alone suits me fine. It’s the life I created for myself after decades of bouncing around “out there,” trying to mimic what everyone one else was doing—marriage, job, socializing—which for me, caused deep sorrow […]
David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic III: New Briefings
This is the third video of David Wilcock’s I’ve transcribed in the past two weeks because I feel the information is so important. One of my transcriptions was translated into French, which verified, for me, that people long to know what is actually going on since no one I know reads or watches mainstream media, […]
Holding The Light
Various articles and videos from Lightworkers and the myriad Channels of Angels, Archangels, Masters and Galactic Forces, etc., to a person, emphasize that “Lightworkers, Starseeds and Gatekeepers” – or however you think of yourself – need to Remain Calm and Hold The Light in this Now moment. They include David Wilcock, Linda Dillon, Suzanne Lie, […]
David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? Part 2 with Slides, 3-23-20: Transcribed by Kat
Steve: Thank you to Kat for this transcript. Lots of work here. We are all finding our way through these extraordinary, unprecedented Global circumstances. I gave up reading the MSM a long time ago for gathering any real “information,” and strive to glean what “might” be happening from various non-mainstream sources. David Wilcock is one […]
David Wilcock Notes, 3-21-20
Like Steve, I was glued to this video by David Wilcock, who is someone I greatly respect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om0afwpTwjA I transcribed some of it, included below. I thought it was especially important for us to do the meditation on the virus with David. He takes us through steps of transmuting and neutralizing it with our powerful […]
The Rain is So Beautiful
I wanted to post a little video that I took from my balcony in Southern California this morning. You can hear the faint echo of some thunder. That’s my Lakshmi statue and beyond her, in the fog, is the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Click here to see the downpour and Pacific Ocean. My area is scheduled […]
My California Experience in This Now Moment
MSM Headlines are blaring that California is in a “panic” and that grocery store shelves are being cleaned out of foodstuffs. You are also reading about the terrible drought in California and to please pray for her. I believe in the power of prayer, so please keep praying, but I am a Southern Californian, and […]