Somehow, we made it to 2025. I remember way back when Ismael Perez was saying the Solar Flash would happen (my mind told me “by”) in 2024. “By 2024” meant to me that it might happen at the end of 2023. Ever hopeful we are, even now. How did we get through all of 2024 with no leaving-evil-behind-forever happening?
Lots of others things did happen, though, and time is speeding along, mercifully.
I call it a mercy because apparently, the Earth collective has to go through this experience, for whatever reasons. The idea seems to be to accelerate the timeline and get the necessary seasoning over with so we can move on to the more enjoyable aspects of being human.
What do you reckon is the marker by which the decision maker (assuming that would be Source / Prime Creator / God / whatever name you ascribe to the One) will be looking for in order to push the Big Golden Button? It’s all become just so unreal any more, but what seems certain is how important it is for us to fully embrace our power to anchor Light. It’s getting crazy out there in the wide world, and it seems that this inner work is what we’re even doing here.
And the show continues on. At the same time, aren’t we continually realizing how much more connected we feel, more aware and conscious…mindful, even? I’ve been recalling some rather thoughtless things that I’ve done throughout my life, and marveling at The Plan and how actually important the human experiment really is.
True confessions emerge, first time to paper
What moments in time are popping into my head randomly these days? Specific moments that highlighted my state of conscious awareness and lack thereof. A self protecting lie told 40 years ago…an unwitting theft that was never made up for…unconsciously causing pain and injury to others over a lifetime (will we ever know who we hurt in this or any past incarnation?)…
These moments have come up before so that we can let them go, even if we think we already have. There just always seems to be gossamer threads lingering, or something…
What I got about these flashbacks is that they would be on a loop in my head until I received the information intended by the memory. The purpose of the exercise was to highlight how far I’ve come in conscious awareness and personal development. I would never do the kinds of things now that I’ve been flashing on. How could I have done such and such before? What’s different now?
Lots of things are different, really. Perhaps the aforementioned unconscious behavior on my part (or anyone’s) was a result of the frequency lowering that we either agreed to, or that negative off-worlders were responsible for. Think DNA-altering flockery. Bummer about all that. I’m thinking that all beings are held accountable for their actions at some point, though. It’s clear that the alteration and forced limitation of humanity is far from the end of the story for us, in any case.
And…we need to forgive ourselves, and them, for ALL of it.
That attempted hijacking and distortion of who we are may be what ultimately serves to catapult us up to where we belong, though; where we might have gotten to long ago but for the interference.
My daughter got me a Kindle for Christmas, and I just loaded up Ken Carey’s Starseed Transmissions. What those books are about is exactly why the Earth experiment hasn’t, and won’t fail. In fact, it’s why our victory is also the triumph of the Light, and will stand as testament to our Divine Nature. How else could we possibly pull ourselves up out of the lower dimensional muck without having amazing and unique, truly Divine DNA?
It’s why any of us are at all receptive to the energies being sent by what Ken refers to as the Bird Tribes. How else would we be able to evolve to a higher state while certain other service-to-self factions were going literally all-out to keep us in the dark?
I’m reminded of a scene at the end of C.S. Lewis’ The Last Battle, book 7 in The Chronicles of Narnia. Everybody’s happy and having a great celebration of their victory out in the glorious sunshine, except for a certain faction among the dwarves. Their minds had been so conditioned and embittered by their experience that all they could perceive was being seated in a dark, stinky barn, being given unpalatable somethings to eat on their plates.
Surely, there’s more to experiencing all the goodness that’s here for us beyond believing in it. Perhaps the most important part of the formula is in holding the space for it to be so, and our imaginings of what can be for us actually do serve to bring all such goodness into our lives.
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey told us many years ago to think BIG, and a bunch of folks all around the world took that to Heart. Look at us now, all empowered and un-psy-op’able. That basically spells the end for team dark here. We’ve risen up out of their grasp, never again to be unwitting slaves.
That clarion bell just can’t be un-rung, and so…