Oh my, what a refining process we go through! Each month! Thank you, Lord!
By your gracious charitableness – and our juggling – we are set to sail through another month.
I say “thank you” in all humility. The way the Mother has set it up, which I’ve mentioned often (to seek our food and shelter from you, rather than being gifted), has certainly contributed to my readiness to assume control of a group of companies.
Whose mission it is to take ill-gotten and well-gotten wealth and in a spectrum of ways build Nova Earth. As is your mission if you participated in the Reval or just work in the field.
I went from being a bitter angry person (going after the cabal) in the beginning to being a person capable of putting himself aside and aside and aside and yet still be in charge.
Not only do I see the wisdom in the arrangement, but I also see the benefit. Crystal clear. Boot camp for a boots-on-the-ground lightworker.
Thank you, gracious spiritual family for providing us with the wherewithal to bang on the anvil another month and wake up the sleeping and at the same time reassure the fearful that this needs to happen and will pass and will see those darkly-inclined, by one means or another, exercise their choice of non-participation and depart.
I’ve greatly benefitted from the experience and am grateful to all of you, who have been my spiritual family for the last fifteen years. I’m sure I speak for the other editors in extending our gratitude.
All my love.