I’ve shared with you, as we’ve gone along, how I’ve had puzzling experiences. One, that should have been seventh-chakra enlightenment (Brahmajnana or God Realization) might as well have been a movie because it lacked the bliss that would have elevated and expanded it into a realization. Whooosh! A brilliant river of gold passed over my […]
It’s all Working, Just Slowly – Part 1/2
Credit: https://media1.tenor.com You might ask, why is Ascension gradual? And the answer really is like the frog in the pot of slowly-boiling water. If the frog knew what was going on, it might jump out of the pot. In our case, if we went too far too fast or experienced too much, we could die. […]
Beyond the Beyond – Part 2/2
This discussion has been gathered together into one volume. Download a copy of An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-11.pdf (Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) As my research progressed, I came across the Divine Mother referring to the Absolute as the “Heart of One” and “Home.” Divine Mother: Now, in this journey — […]
“Introduction” to An Ascension Ethnography (Download)
As I work away on the GAoG Basic Library, the next compilation completed is an Ascension ethnography. An ethnography, as I’m using the term, is a first-hand account of something social or cultural that serves as raw material for later structural and functional studies. A diary or journal or video record would be examples. This […]
Standing Classical Enlightenment Theory on Its Head
Some time ago Archangel Michael said to me that “classical [enlightenment] theory has served you well. Now you are on a new course.” (1) Indeed that appears to be so. One that stands many things associated with classical enlightenment theory on its head. Let me give you a few examples. Archangel Michael has told me […]
The Role of the Mother and Celestials in Our Enlightenment
If I were to bake a pie, I’d put it in the oven and turn up the heat. If I don’t turn up the heat, I won’t bake the pie. If you take a realization event, like seventh-chakra God Realization or Brahmajnana, the penultimate event, as far as I’m aware, before Ascension, and leave the […]
Not the Lifetime for the Non-Dual for Me
I was asked to speak from the non-dual level where all that’s happening is seen to be illusion. The non-dual, the One is the Truth. Ultimately and absolutely. I bow before the Absolute Truth. Despite this fact and despite having been outside this dimension several times on what Michael describes as “visits,” (1) it isn’t […]
Point of Awareness in an Ocean of Love – Part 1/2
2022: I no longer believe that our individuality disappears after we go Home to Mother/Father One. My job, when people come here (and I speak as an individual editor), is to lay out the details of what’s happening right now and speed you on your way. As a pillar, I stay till the end of […]
This Journey of Journeys
I may need to share somewhat more than I do usually because of the transition I’m going though. Zen adept Paul Reps would have called it “writing down the bones.” I interpret “bones” to be the basics and the phrase to mean writing in order to get to the basics, to the heart of the […]
Realization and Ascension
Most people in the world do not know about Ascension. Most do not believe that we survive bodily death. Certainly most do not know that life has a purpose, a direction, a meaning. (1) What we believe determines the world we live in – and the world we don’t. Another way of saying that is […]
Collectively I Refer to It as “I”
I walk around in a little bubble, a mini-environment, which consists of the range that my awareness takes in – my thoughts, my emotional states, the divine qualities, etc. Everything I can control from my mental laptop, complete with radar, heat sensors, attitude detectors, intuition, etc., is part of that “field of awareness.” Collectively I […]
Experience It Passing Through Us
There’s no subject more important than us enjoying love. We spend a lot of time in our lives seeking it in general and seeking it externally in particular. It’s ironic because we have a fountain of youth, an artesian well of love inside our hearts. But then we compound matters by doing something else. We […]
A Glimpse of Our Ascension – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1.) Some days after Wave X hit the Earth, I found that my mind had fallen quiet. And the next day after that, I watched as the kundalini completed its circuit to the crown or seventh chakra. Ordinarily the completion of the kundalini circuit would result in Brahjmajnana or God-Realization. Brahmajnana is […]
A Glimpse of Our Ascension – Part 1/2
We all have our missions and mine is to be a communicator. Further to that, I’m to go through Ascension with everyone else and write about it. It seems implicit in that and in other things that I know that the experiences in consciousness I or others like me (people who’ve agreed to go first […]