by Digger Barr
My eyes opened and quickly adjusted to the dimly lit room.
Sitting on the stone floor leaning against the walls our group was in quiet meditation.
We were in the King’s chamber in the great pyramid of Giza.
We had done a group ceremony cleansing ourselves and asking permission to be in this space.
We were now waiting our turn to spend individual time in the famous Kings Chamber’s box.
It was evening after a very warm day and inside the pyramid itself was somewhat like an oven.
The Egyptian staff had run electric cords into the great chamber and a small fan was running in the far corner.
The air movement was appreciated but perceptually void of relief.
A utility lamp in each corner brightened the room while still creating shadows.
Every effort to normalize the environment intensified the mystic.
Outside, climbing up the pyramid had been a bit of a surprise.
There were steps hidden from view that were relatively easy to walk up.
They were steep but manageable unlike the larger stones that comprised the massive structure itself.
The larger stones became walls like sentinel guides that kept us contained along the steep narrow path.
We followed a path that reminded me of a goat trail across the megalithic surface that finally turned into a small opening.
After climbing about 59 feet in elevation, we came to a breach in the vaulted exterior.
The entrance into the pyramid was barely noticeable but it quickly turned into a tunnel which led straight into the heart of the pyramid.
A row of bare light bulbs on a wire lit the dark hallway as we dove into the inner elements of the great pyramid.
Coming to a small antechamber at the end, you could turn right leading into a smaller tunnel, actually just a crawl space and go into the Queen’s chamber.
Or as we did, go into a much larger opening that then angled sharply up and up to the King’s chamber.
This very steep climb had a low ceiling.
In order to go up I decided the best way was using all fours in a hands and foot traverse while keeping my chin tucked.
I counted as I climbed to keep my anxiety level at a minimum.
At one point I decided to look up and see how much further I had to go.
I bumped my head pretty hard on the stone surface above me and decided it was best to keep my head down and just keep counting.
Before entering the King’s chamber, the ceiling opened up and I could see enough to observe the construction.
Unlike the temples we had seen thus far this smooth stone area was plain with no ornamentation of any kind.
Very Utilitarian in concept this area’s purpose seems only to provide access to the higher room.
My personal uninformed assessment. I actually have no idea what the accepted narrative is.
Nor the original intention outside of the obvious access it provided.
I opened my eyes to see if it was my turn.The tour leader turned her gaze directly to me and nodded.
I scrambled to my feet and went to the corner of the sarcophagus.
The corner with the broken gap gave easier access to climb over the almost four foot high stone wall.
It was a large solid piece of pink granite, rectangular in shape forming a deep open top basin.
It has been called a sarcophagus but it was nothing like any of the sarcophagus we had seen so far in our tour of Egypt.
This was a unique feature and the only thing found in this large empty chamber.
The irony here may be that it has nothing to do with Kings, Queens, their chambers or any function implied by sarcophagus.
Our group had been given permission to spend time inside the King’s Chamber but our time was limited.
We were given 5 minutes each to lay in the stone box.
It was my turn and I wasted no time at all.
I laid down and took some deep breaths going straight back into a meditative state.
Immediately I was being transported through time.
I was looking out over the heads of a very long procession traveling across great sand dunes.
From my position that appeared to be somewhat elevated and I could see the backs and tops of people’s heads.
As the caravan of white robed people moved across the sand, 3 or 4 abreast they stretched out for 100 or so yards.
Walking down and up one dune and then on to the next, I realized I wasn’t walking but being carried as if on a canopied platform of sorts.
We were approaching our destination which appeared to be a large papyrus type boat on a body of water.
The water appeared to be a river but not moving quickly so it could have been an inlet or something else.
Most likely it was the Nile but it could have also been the Red Sea.
I didn’t spend time trying to figure that point out.
The journey fast forwarded to arriving at some sort of metropolitan area.
A city of sorts but I wasn’t seeing the big picture. I was in a gathering place where meetings were happening.
Fully aware I was seeking answers in a vision quest, I asked what this was.
Instantly a view of shining stars and planets in the night sky came into focus.
I instinctively knew I was being shown a star date.
And then I was on ship.
A star ship that apparently was connected directly to the meetings taking place in the metro area down below on planet.
Again I had awareness that my time in the box was running out.
So I asked, what message is there for me that could help me make sense of my current lifetime?
A very ancient old man holding a newborn baby filled my mind.
The image was detailed, conclusive and confounding.
A hand’s soft touch and a whisper, it’s time.
Once again I opened my eyes and sat up.
Climbing back over the box’s edge and back to the floor, the image of the old man etched himself into my memory.
I knew the profoundness of what I had just experienced.
I couldn’t tell you for a second what it all meant.
In awe and wonder I accepted that what I was shown will reveal itself over time.
For the moment I settled in to absorb the rest of my time in this ancient mysterious room.
I stared in amazement at the solid granite slabs that made up the ceiling and walls.
The tightly fitted seams of the irregular dimensioned megaliths defied typical building methods of square joints and standard measurements.
Each must have weighed 1000’s of pounds.
What was the intentional purpose of this room?
Were we using it correctly?
We were only getting a snippet of what could take place here.
It was a powerful experience and I wanted more.
I got what I got and for that I am grateful.
I don’t know what others got out of the experience or what other people say about the Kings Chamber.
I only know that for me as a portal through space and time, it was incredible.
It was telling me about a time in my life, who I was, Where I was, what I was doing and then a quick image to help me understand something of it all.
And as irony serves well in Egypt, the huge vast amounts of information that remains a mystery, so it is with me.
I don’t know anything more about the who, what, where or why of what I saw.
That I experienced it is enough.
I can say that old man time holding a newborn child speaks volumes.
I will let that image rest with you, the reader, to allow it to bring up whatever it brings up for you.
Be blessed