There’s no subject more important than us enjoying love.
We spend a lot of time in our lives seeking it in general and seeking it externally in particular.
It’s ironic because we have a fountain of youth, an artesian well of love inside our hearts.
But then we compound matters by doing something else. We misunderstand the dynamics of love. All of us are trying to get love – from our parents, our partners, our children.
It isn’t the getting of love that carries the reward we seek; it’s the giving.
Why is that? Because higher-dimensional love must flow. It does not stand still. And it flows universally, without our steering it.
We get our reward – that is, we get to experience love – as it flows up from our hearts and out to the world. I repeat: We experience love mostly as it flows through us. Not to us.
Everybody, you’re going to be tested on this later.
Love flows through us in an act of giving, not in an act of getting. We send our love out to the world and experience the flow of love as it passes through us. (1)
Gosh, that’s significant.
Eckhart Tolle tells a story about a beggar who turns out to be sitting on a box containing gold. The box is our heart and the gold is the love that exists inside the locked box. It’s the inner tsunami that leads to the Ocean of Love. We’re unaware of the wealth in the box we’re sitting on.
It’s a hidden treasure, but seek and ye shall find, we’re promised.
From my limited experience I’d say we’d profit immensely – if we want love – to try giving it rather than trying to get it. We’d thereby become channels for the entry of higher-dimensional love into our realm of existence. And then we’d experience it passing through us on its unimpeded way out to the world. And being a pipeline for love is excruciatingly … lovely.
From my own experience, giving love is the quickest way I know to experience the higher form of love. Starting to send it out to all and sundry and experiencing it as it passes through us is what will bring us our reward.
As I feel love arise in this moment, it quickly blends into bliss.
(1) I’ve been persuaded by Matthew Ward and my own experience that we can also get love. But I find it quicker to give it and experience it flowing through me. That’s an almost instantaneous route.