by Nickjy Hamid
Our Thrival depends on diversity.
That means you and I are to honour our uniqueness and our differences. Each a unique gift of the One. A fractal of an ever expanding Creation .
This is the change we have been watching and listening for. It is here. It is you and it is me.
We are Here Remembering. And it is in the Joyful Sharing and the Shining that our planet becomes Fun and a Sun.
So no one has “THE” answers. The solution to anything is held in the unfolding, blending hearts of all humanity. It is in the doing from Being.
All resolutions are in the evolving Whole. They have never been in mental construction and planning.
Solutions are in an “organic”, fluid movement not in static structure. They are in unconditional expansion not in conditional separation. And the brilliant little lights of awakening HUMans are popping up everywhere.
Do you see them in your own neighbourhood?
Do you feel the excitement as the Shining Ones arise.
It is Global for we have spoken and So It Is.
Shine On.
I So Love You
PS: The time is VERY NEAR when HUmanity all around you is going to need you.
Need to feel the calm, the steadfastness, the Love and Compassion, the Faith and the Hope of someone whose gaze and Heart is clearly fixed on their Soul Beingness and a New Earth Dream.
To be Present with, to sooth the SHOCK, the fear, the hurt, the anger and the utter undermining of much that they believed as True ……………of the great Reveal.
To sooth with the calm of Loving Kindness rather than be deluged with new information and beliefs systems.
Your people need you.