Judith Kusel http://www.judithkusel.com The energies now streaming in, go into our very soul’s deepest core. I was shown by one of my Ascended Masters, just now, that certain codes are being released energetically via the latest sun flares, in symbols, what looks like glyphs. I was told that each such symbol, has carries immense information […]
A World of Undreamed of Dimensions
I find myself chuckling when I read stories about who was the first to “discover” this invention or that. Or when I see the bow and arrow arise on several continents that are not in touch with each other. In the social sciences, this is referred to as the problem of “geographical diffusion.” Is there […]
After the Download Comes the Ride
I’ve just been through the better part of two days, in response to what I think was a minor heart attack that occurred while I was asleep. I awoke knowing that something had happened and thereafter went through two days of symptoms. I know that Michael makes use of events like this to work in […]
Parcel Post from Heaven
Steve: We’ve got it all wrong down here! Help! Help! Message in a bottle! Archangel Michael: I will send [the requested information] parcel post and express mail! (1) I’ve just had the most subtle spiritual experience and I’m rushing to get a description of it down before I forget the details. Already I’m forgetting some. […]
Archangel Michael through Ronna Vezane: The Process You are Actually Going Through Right Now
I was answering a reader’s question on the photon belt when I came across this remarkable passage from Archangel Michael through Ronna. It seemed, as I read it, as if someone had written my biography, it so resonated with me. Is this really what’s going on? I’ve added footnotes to show why it would […]
Embodying Is Physically Manifesting NEW Earth
by Denise Le Fay https://tinyurl.com/5frm23pc I’m in no physical condition to write about anything at the moment, however, we’ve just gone through another big and important energy step towards the physical manifestation of ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans these past few days. Because of this I’m pushing myself to get this written as quickly […]
Handling the Intense 5D Energies Now Streaming In
by Vidya Frazier http://vidyafrazier.com/handling-intense-5d-energies-now-streaming/ If you are noticing a greater intensity in the energies flowing through you lately, you’re perhaps aware that your Ascension process is ramping up in frequency. It may feel as if you’ve shifted up a gear. Or like you’re suddenly finding yourself on a new moving sidewalk that is hurtling you […]
Go Forward!
The desirelessness that I felt from the “download” experience is fading. It’s interesting when that happens. When our awareness recedes for any reason – fear or a waning spiritual experience – our awareness that our awareness has receded also recedes. So as I come back to everyday consciousness from whatever region of consciousness I was […]
The Council of Nine: The Advent of Light
by Eliza Ayers https://tinyurl.com/42vf6e9s We are the Pleiadians. We are your sisters and brothers. Long have we watched you from afar, but now we move among you as human beings. We are here. In our hearts we sing to your planet, which so lovingly supports your race, despite ongoing efforts to destroy her, by […]
Unpacking the Download
Following this download, which I’ve been told for some years would be unpacking, I seem to be seeing things from a slightly higher vantage point. Example. I have this mass of papers around me and I see they’re all out of place and, for a brief moment, I panic. But then I remember: It doesn’t […]
No, You Are Not Going Crazy — It’s Part of Ascension and The Shift
https://tinyurl.com/ldfv2735 Before you read this, realize that you are okay and that what you are experiencing is “The SHIFT”. This is a normal process when the universal vibrational energy forces you to rise above your normal 3D level of existence here on Earth. It’s all okay. Ascension Symptoms 1. Feeling as though you are in […]
Galactic Fleet Command: Another Dimension
By Beth Stormont https://tinyurl.com/y5wusbtt Dear Ones, some of you have been disturbed about sleeping much later into the day than you are used to doing. This morning we expressed something to our channel on which we are now going to elaborate to you. You see, you are not really sleeping if you slip back into bed […]
The 9D Arcturian Council: You’re Getting Cellular Upgrades without Ascension Symptoms
by Daniel Scranton https://tinyurl.com/yyago75h Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to announce that you all are getting upgrades at this time, because you need to be able to absorb physically the energies that are upon you there on Earth. These upgrades that […]
Sirian High Council: Ascension Journey
by Galaxy Girl https://tinyurl.com/y84oz6fl Greetings starseeds! We salute you in your current progress trajectory for Ascension Gaia and we hold honor in our hearts for you. Many of you have Sirian aspects and dormant memories, strengths and abilities from your forays in our little part of the galaxy. We wish to activate further your Sirian connections […]