The way things seem to go, it’s often only after a condition has departed that we learn what it was and what it did.
For example, hostility having been recognized and left, I’m now beginning to see some things about it.
Hostility has many poses. One of them, I’m now seeing, is “Don’t mess with me.”
This pose was my first line of defence.
It in turn has many faces. One of them apparently was so fiercesome that my karate partners used to give me a wide berth. (1) (It was 70% show.)
Underneath was a young boy afraid for his safety, who was putting on a threat display. (If you attack me, you’re gonna have to take me down.) People who do that are often amazed when they’re called on what turns out to be mostly bluff.
I mentioned before that I loved fighting. I always let the other fellow throw the first punch of course. Karate doesn’t teach a person how to start a fight. The first move in karate is always defencive. Punch coming in. Kick coming in.
Because I enjoyed it so much, I never really planned what step 2 or step 3 were. With me it was trade insults and fight or get lost. There was no middle ground.
I know this is past-life bleedthrough because the way I feel inside (ferocious) is out of all proportion to the body I was born into (average in all respects), the circumstances of my family life or anything else I can think of. But it fits with what I know of the past life.
I declare my life a draw. I won some and lost some. The wins felt good and the losses felt awful and they all balance out.
I’m looking forward to learning about harmony with the same gusto that I learned about self-defense.
Some time after I wrote this, I read what Daniel Scranton’s 9D Arcturian Council said:
“You have to let go of the fight, and we know that statement ruffles feathers.
“We know that many of you identify yourselves as the fighters of the good fight, the ones who are going to take down the such-and-such cabal group.
“But please trust us when we say you are less powerful when you are fighting, resisting, and pushing against, and you are more powerful when you accept, let go, and open up to the energies that you have just summoned.” (2
I’m ready.
My will is settled; my commitment is complete; I’m issuing the command to begin investigating harmony.
I’ve established my beachhead of understanding: Harmony leaves no residue/no karma. Harmony promises to contribute to peace of mind, which I long for now. These are my testable hypotheses.
I now set my autopilot to “Learn.”
(1) After I shaved my beard off, I sparred with a karate partner who used to give me a wide berth. I said to him, “Clem, you’ve never come this close to me. What has changed?” He said, “Steve? Steve? Is that you? You shaved your beard off. If I’d known it was you, I wouldn’t have.”
(2) “The 9D Arcturian Council: When We Open Portals for You,”