A house divided against itself cannot stand. Love and will divided against themselves will tear a person apart. I begin reparenting myself, which takes the form of an inquiry. (1) Love and will are both qualities that emanate from and are co-existent with the Divine. Both operate all the time. It cannot be a question […]
Matt Kahn: The Miraculous Precision of Universal Will
(email) You cannot miss any particular blessing from being received, even when unaware of why things are happening and the reason for their appearance in your life. The Universe does everything for you, working through you in every breath, offering all that you need to move from one moment to the next — no matter […]
Women Involved in Conflict Resolution to Build an Inclusive and Peaceful World
Kristen Bell: This Is What a Feminist ‘Good Place’ Looks Like “I think a feminist ‘Good Place’ looks like a place with equality.” James Hitchings-Hales, Global Citizen, August 19, 2020 https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/kristen-bell-the-good-place-feminist-wphf/ All the evidence suggests that when women are involved in conflict resolution, peace deals last longer. But women are still excluded from the process. […]
Pointed in That Direction
I’m struggling in the storm of my own polarity or dualism. I do love some and hate others. I do want some to win and others to lose. I don’t put a lot of energy into loving everyone – no, not politician X or businessman Y. But at the same time I also know that […]
The Essence of Individual Sovereignty
Steve: Will you write a document through me, a channeled document, on the essence of individual sovereignty? Archangel Michael: I will be pleased to do this. Now I have a need to tell you, that I would have many consultants with me, but, yes, we would be pleased, more than you can imagine. Because this […]
The Start of Something Great
Best wishes on Easter Sunday! I just saw a demonstration of will that I can’t pass by commenting on because I personally am going to need to be the undeniable driver of my will in (I hope) a short time. It began when some painful feelings flitted across my mind. I noticed them. I resolved […]
A Revival of Our Will
You know that I’m very much taken right now with the exercise of the will. One day when I was around seven or eight, my Dad shouted at me from inches away. I shattered into a thousand pieces and only came back together again (the Humpty Dumpty Man) at age 58. So my will has […]
Archangel Michael on Alignment with the Collective Will
As a complement to my discussion of will, above, I’d like to reproduce a very suggestive and instructive 2016 discussion from Archangel Michael of the nature and processes of the collective will. “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: Understand the Divine Gift of Will, AHWAA, September 22, 2016,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/09/30/transcript-archangel-michael-understand-divine-gift-will-ahwaa-september-22-2016/. Steve Beckow: Is there such a thing […]
Looking Blameless – Part 1/2
We invite you to make a monthly or one-time donation to the upkeep of the team. See below for details. I’d like to explore events that are happening on two different planes of consciousness. They therefore are not directly comparable so I’ll do my best. One is the exercise of the will. The other is […]
Looking Blameless – Part 2/2
We invite you to make a monthly or one-time donation to the upkeep of the team. See below for details. (Concluded in Part 2, today.) No Love So how’s that working for you? Kathleen would say. What are the costs of living life in this vasana-driven, reactivated way? It doesn’t matter that I’ve chosen this […]
The Power of Our Will
Recently a vasana (or core issue) got triggered in me that took me right back to the way my Mother and Father used to fight. He was violent and abusive. She ran circles around him intellectually and, if that didn’t work, withheld herself (locked herself in her room). It was excruciating being around them when […]
Doing the Cosmic Dance; or, Who Goes into the Stillness?
When I “go into” the stillness, what is it that stills? As far as I can see, it’s the mind. It’s the thoughts and the feelings they call up. It’s the chatter, the hopes, and worries, and fears. And who is the “I” whose will/intention stills it? I have to digress for a moment. The […]
The Right Use of Will
The recent health challenge that I went through was extremely painful when it was happening. Let me stop there. TMI, TMI. (1) It had numerous effects on me. Don’t forget I had pain from my chest area already and then additional pain from my abdomen. And somehow pain drains the energy away. For whatever reason, […]