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(Concluded in Part 2, today.)
No Love
So how’s that working for you? Kathleen would say. What are the costs of living life in this vasana-driven, reactivated way?
It doesn’t matter that I’ve chosen this vasana and not another. It doesn’t matter what vasana you choose either.
What matters is that we put ourselves on autopilot and miss out on love and opportunity. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Once we see something better (life in the higher dimensions), how we behave in everyday life becomes clearer and we now no longer want to settle for the resulting costs. What are those costs?
The first cost, as I mentioned above, is that there’s no higher-dimensional love in living life this way. We deny ourselves access to that higher plane of consciousness by insisting on serving our vasana.
Not like a blast from the Central Sun couldn’t sweep aside our situation and leave us in the ascended state. Very likely it could and will.
Nonetheless, prior to Ascension, in these ordinary non-ordinary times, if I insist on acting out a defensive script from childhood – getting reactivated and going on automatic – love allows me to do so.
It allows me to fixate on my image and its reception. And love goes around me, passing me by, leaving me untouched.
That process of fixation goes on below conscious awareness, in the background, so to speak, so I’m not even aware of it.
The more I busy myself over the years managing my image to look blameless, the drier life gets. It’s like living in the desert. No love here. No oasis among the dunes.
I’m cranking the pump at a water hole and all that comes up are wheezing sounds.
No Exercise of Will
The second cost of serving a vasana is that there’s no exercise of the will coming from living life that way. It’s a lost opportunity to grow and evolve.
We get no closer to that knight in shining armor that we are as our Higher Self. (1)
We abrogated our decision-making power and assigned it to a pattern.
We put ourselves on autopilot. The flight plan was determined by the felt need to look blameless. But there are other flight plans.
We end up knowing no more about ourselves than we did before. We simply followed a pattern, animal-like. All we were aware of was avoiding danger.
In my case, I become defensive when challenged, easily reactivated. I never question it. It’s a human reaction, isn’t it? (No. It isn’t “normal”.)
Not a way to live if you know there’s something better. And I know, without the shadow of a doubt, there’s something better.
The Way Out
So that’s life in two domains – one where we’ve mastered our will and one where we serve a vasana and surrender our will to it.
What’s the way out of the costs involved?
Processing the vasana for sure. (2) I simply remain passively aware of it and allow it to work its way through me, like something I ate, without attaching to it – without remaining glued to that channel.
Awareness dissolves everything but the Permanent and Eternal.
But, if you were to ask me for more actions that can be taken, I’ll list them below. (3)
Each time a vasana is eliminated I’m one step closer to the higher realm of love and bliss and complete mastery of the will.
Mastery of the will makes life in the higher planes possible, themselves the abode of endless love and bliss. While there in 2015, I remained immersed in an Ocean of Love and Bliss. That is life in the higher realms – as I remember it. (4)
(1) Whatever you consider that level of consciousness to be.
I once had the experience of seeing my own Higher Self and it appeared as a knight in shining armor, on a horse, all decked out in burnished silver, noble, magnificent. I refused to discuss it for a while because the sight was so sacred.
Kathleen had exactly the same vision, before me.
(2) See “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process/
(3) I have five suggestions to make.
(A) Choose a role model (Winston Churchill, Malala Yousafzai, the Lord Arcturus, up to you). Then before acting, ask yourself what they’d do.
(B) Invoke the universal laws like the Law of Elimination, asking Sanat Kumara to give the vasana back to the universe, with gratitude.
And invoke the Laws of Intention and Sacred Purpose as well, that we be restored to our factory settings of innocence and purity – of the original innocence, the original blamelessness of a newborn baby. (You must be as a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; i.e., the Fifth Dimension, buddhahood, nirvana.)
(C), Take responsibility for more and more of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
(D) Remain aware of ourselves as our basic agreement.
(E) Regularly breath up love and bliss from our hearts.
(4) The state itself has passed. But one can never erase the memory of realizational events like these.
This is my latest attempt to describe the indescribable.
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