A Clear Channel by the Arcturians Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa We, the Arcturians greet you in love and truth, we wish to highlight the importance of maintaining a pure and clear channel at this time of ascension. We have created some key areas of focus to assist you […]
Ivo Of Vega – We are in 4D
5/12/2020 Sharon Stewart www.sharonandivo.weebly.com Okay, Ivo and I are going to channel on this. Change of rules, guys. Me: We’re in 4D. When I was in the 12 steps, we were taught to do inventory on our problems so that we could finally get some peace. Yes, we made amends to others preferably face […]
Ascension is a Process
We talk about Ascension as if it were an “Event.” There are events that are components of Ascension, but Ascension itself is not a single event, but a process comprised of several events. I recently quoted Archangel Michael on the matter. For me, the quote is appropriate to all of us: “You have been given […]
The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, April 5, 2020
http://blossomgoodchild.com/5th-april/ I have just finished the global meditation. I had planned to connect with you afterwards and am now feeling a very strong impulse to do so. From your perspective … did it all go well? FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE … FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN OUR EXPERIENCE … WE SAW THE COLOURS OF YOUR […]
Calling Meditators: “Gentle” Rain for California!
Excerpt from: Slow-moving storm brings much-needed rain to Southern California By Brandon Buckingham, AccuWeather, March 10, 2020 https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/return-of-wet-weather As of 5 a.m. PDT Tuesday, March 10, 2020, Oceanside, California, had received 0.83 of an inch of rain from the new storm with nearly 0.75 of an inch falling well inland at Palm Springs, California. The […]
International Women’s Day: Clashes, Coronavirus, and Women Prepare to Strike
By Jason Slotkin, NPR, March 8, 2020 https://www.npr.org/2020/03/08/813477367/international-womens-day-2020-clashes-coronavirus-and-women-prepare-to-strike Organizers and marchers have been out marking International Women’s Day. A holiday with its origins in the labor and socialist movements of the 20th century, the day now recognized by the United Nations occasions rallies and events from Caracas to Baghdad to spotlight issues facing women globally. […]
Mexican Women Try the Power of Silence
www.voiceoffreedom.ca In quiet protest of gender violence, many women plan a one-day retreat from public life March 9. Their temporary absence might bring permanent change. By the Monitor’s Editorial Board, Christian Science Monitor, February 27, 2020 https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2020/0227/Mexican-women-try-the-power-of-silence On March 9, much of Mexico will become very quiet. The silence, in fact, is meant to be […]
Citizen’s Basic Income: A Response to Poverty
By Citizens Basic Income Trust, February 27, 2020 https://citizensincome.org/news/citizens-basic-income-a-response-to-poverty ATD Fourth World has published the results of its Understanding Poverty in all its Forms research project: an international project that is asking people in poverty what for them are its most important dimensions. A report has now been published on findings for the UK: https://atd-uk.org/projects-campaigns/understanding-poverty. […]
Matthew’s Message, Feb. 11, 2020
February 11, 2020 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We express our profound gratitude to the lightworker who was our message group’s dedicated moderator for 12 years and to the owner and technical staff who offered their company’s service when Yahoo stopped hosting groups. My mother thinks of all […]
Cultural Burning in Australia and BC, Canada
The west coast of North America has suffered from huge wildfires just as Australia. Below are two posts encouraging us to allow our Indigenous brothers and sisters to share their knowledge of cultural burning. “It’s Miraculous’: Owners Say Cultural Burning Saved their Property By Ella Archibald-Binge and Rhett Wyman, The Sydney Herald, January 6, 2020 […]
What is Ascension?
Let me accompany the description from Michael today (1) with a second discussion of Ascension. Ascension is known to spiritual sages and scholars under names like liberation, moksha, mukti, Sahaja Samadhi, nirvana, vijnana, etc. In Christian lore, the names “Redemption, “Resurrection,” and “Salvation” refer to Ascension itself and “Heaven” is used to refer to the […]
Archangel Michael: Ascension. It’s a Snap
In this passage from 2014, Archangel Michael explains what he means when he says that gatekeepers especially go back and forth across the Ascension portal. He’s not saying we’re fully ascended when we go back and forth. Only that we spend a while in that state and then return. As he advised on another occasion: […]
Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele, April 21, 2019
Arcturian Group Message (4/21/19) | Marilyn Raffaele Dear ones, we greet you on this religious holiday of Easter being celebrated in Christian communities the world over in remembrance of the suffering, death, and resurrection of the master teacher Jeshua. However, just as with the Christmas story, Easter also holds much deeper meaning and every human […]
The Gradual Aspect of Ascension
Now I’d like to go into a little more detail on why our Ascension has to be gradual. Let me repeat here (from the last article) what Archangel Michael said to me in 2014: “What you want is the full wave and you will get it. But the Mother is preparing people for it so […]
The Sudden Aspect of Ascension
I’d like to discuss the sudden aspect of Ascension here and the gradual aspect in a post on Wednesday, April 3. There are various enlightenments that happen along the way to Ascension’s culminating event. Taken collectively they constitute the sudden aspect of Ascension. The amount of time they take is very short, leading me to […]