Steve: SaLuSa reminds us that we have recollections of life on the higher planes which make so much of what is happening seem familiar to us. He tells us the Company of Light has paved the way for us to Ascension and that our growth will continue after that. He suggests some of the changes […]
How to Minimize Our Fears and Maximize our Ease Around This Time of Chaos – Part 1/2
In the past two weeks, since the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, SaLuSa has given us a remarkable series of messages that has reaffirmed the basis of recent events and how we might orient towards them so as to minimize our fears and maximize our ease. I’d like to review those messages and extract his views […]
SaLuSa: A Revolution is Taking Place, the Final Battle of This Cycle
SaLuSa assures us that Ascension will take place and that we will ascend if we wish to do so. Like so many sources at this moment, SaLuSa encourages us to keep focused on the Light. He reminds us that all the rumors flying at this time come from the dark and are intended to shake […]
Mike Quinsey Interviews “Last” Yogananda Disciple
Note: Joshua reminds me that Roy Eugene Davis, another Yogananda disciple, is still with us. There are probably more. Mike Quinsey, who channels SaLuSa, actually has a weekly radio program on BBS Internet Radio. This Friday he has an interesting guest – Swami Kriyananda, formerly J. Donald Walters, the last living disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. […]
The Declaration of Human Freedom
Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death. Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the […]
SaLuSa: The Dark Ones Will Not Recover from Their Defeat
SaLuSa suggests that, if we still cannot connect with the idea of ascending, then consider that we may still be in a karmic situation that we need to complete. If we ask for help, immense aid will be available to us. He tells us that the changes are beginning to manifest in other countries where […]
Why Do I Support President Barack Obama? – Part 2/2
(Continued from Part 1) I realize that people new to this site or people who are not readers and do not believe in the existence of extraterrestrial humans will look with disbelief on me saying that I follow the messages of galactic visitors who are here to help Earth emerge from the control of a […]
SaLuSa: New Energies Pressing to Manifest Cannot be Prevented
In his message today, SaLuSa says that the changes that are happening have been building up for a long time and can no longer be prevented if they can be delayed. He tells us that they are affecting the whole Earth, leaving no place for the lower vibrations to hide. He says that the pressure […]
How the Light Views the Process of Governmental Change Happening in Jan.-Feb. 2011
Most of the angelic, spirit, and galactic channels we listen to don’t address the specifics of political change. Rather they address general subjects related to Ascension. The sole reliable sources I’m aware of who do discuss the specifics of political change are SaLuSa and Matthew Ward. Of these two, SaLuSa has been most forthcoming on […]
SaLuSa: The Phoenix is Rising to a Golden Age
SaLuSa tells us that unrest in the world from people who have not been given their rights is reaching epidemic proportions. He expresses the hope that changeovers in the West will be peaceful. He tells us that violence only breeds more violence and postpones the inevitable and that only peace and love produce lasting solutions. […]
What We Can Do
On the one hand, SaLuSa invites us all to get involved in freeing our world from the dark. “We of the Galactic Federation encourage you all to contribute in some way or another, to the growing clamour for a new leadership to take you forward into the next stage of your evolution. Your petitions and […]
Light Forces Predicted the Current Unrest
Given the fast pace of change in the world at the moment and the scale of protests I’d like to get out as fast as I can the comments of galactic and spirit communicators on what is happening in the world. In order to do that, instead of posting one long article on the subject, […]
SaLuSa: This Year Belongs to You
Hatonn told us some time ago that the Light forces have been given the authority to remove certain top members of the Illuminati and SaLuSa here says that the cabal is considerably weakened. There are other reports of this on the Net from sources whose credibility in all matters I don’t regard as established. I’ve […]
Jeshua: The Highest You Can Give
Thanks to Maria for reminding me of Pamela Kribbe’s Jeshua channelings, which I haven’t looked at for perhaps a year or two. Jeshua here looks at a very special piece of the “emotional clearing process.” The way he phrases it is that “you give the highest of you if you are open and willing to […]
SaLuSa: Raise Your Vibrations; the GF will Handle the Bigger Picture
SaLuSa tells us that we have reached the point of no return for the dark ones, the darkest moment before the dawn. We have recognized the changes for what they are. He also underlines the need to make changes within and without, which is the very thing, not surprisingly, we’ve been discussing recently. He tells […]