Matthew’s monthly message is always eagerly awaited. This one is very detailed, calming, and helpful. Matthew says that the process of increasing the light on the planet will of and by itself bring reconciliation among political actors or, if bereft of light, they will not last long in the new environment. Matthew again asserts that […]
Hilarion: Release All that No Longer Serves the Light
Hilarion too urges us to release all that no longer serves the Light. Hilarion’s Weekly Message, October 31-November 6, 2010, through Marlene Swetlishoff Beloved Ones, This coming week will present many opportunities for you to move beyond your seeming inertia and inability to DO, for once again, you are all deep into the assimilation […]
Arcturian Group: Release Old Energies and Don’t Let Them Back In
If I had time, I’d do an article on releasing old energies, but I’m afraid I’m pinned down at the moment. You can however see that many, many sources are talking about it at this time. Here is the Arcturian Group on the subject. I’ve called this “flattening vasanas” and “completing unfinished business.” The Arcturian […]
Hilarion: You are Well on Your Way to the Completion of Issues
Hilarion’s Weekly Message, through Marlene Swetlishoff October 24-31, 2010 Beloved Ones, For most of you, this month has literally flown by. The sense of acceleration continues to be a significant factor in your daily lives. It is a time of doing your very best and allowing yourselves freedom from the stress of “should’s and […]
SaLuSa: You are Seeing the Fall of the Great Empire
SaLuSa tells us that “the great capitalist empire,” which tried to take away our rights, is falling, leading to chaotic times. Meanwhile we will be clearing any karmic residue that cannot be taken with us into the higher dimensions. He cautions us that we will feel lethargic and unbalances and advises rest. Our bodies are […]
Galactics and Spirits Follow a Divine Plan
What is the Divine Plan? As more and more people awaken to the galactics’ presence around the Earth, the first and most important question they will ask is: why are they here? The galactics have been very patiently telling us for years through channelled messages why they are here. SaLuSa of Sirius gives us the […]
Hilarion: Mastery Entails the Ability to Adapt
September 19-26, 2010 Hello again, Beloved Lightworkers, Most of you have made great gains in the past week in terms of cleansing, clearing and releasing that which no longer serves you. There will still be some residual effects that will continue to surface from time to time, but overall, you have come through this period […]
Saul: Peace is a Prerequisite to Becoming Fully Conscious
And peace means – guess what? – the completion of all old issues!!!! Notice how Saul repeats the same practice we’ve been discussing: opening yourself up by observing your feelings as they arise. “Blocking your feelings in denial, or holding on to them as suffering victims, does not work.” “Just observe them and let them […]
Disclosure Day in September Begins Here
President Obama, better git a move on if you don’t want China to be the first nation on Earth to recognize the extraterrestrial presence. Or France or Brazil. Time waits for no one. (As long as time lasts.) Keep in mind in the face of all that happens that the galactics do have a divine […]
The Dissolution of the Illusion is at Hand
Saul describes our fear of being born into Fifth-Dimensional reality and describes what awaits us. He seems to imply that we could ascend or awaken whenever we will it but our fear precludes us from doing so. Again, if what he says is so, then standing in the face of the fear, without resistance, is […]
SaLuSa: Earth Allies Near to Achieving Major Success
With Mike Quinsey’s return, SaLuSa is also back. Along with Matthew and Saul, I view SaLuSa as the spiritual equivalent of the “gold standard.” But he also transmits information that is particularly useful to me with my own chosen emphases. If I were interested in astrology or quantum physics, I might choose a different source […]
Saul: You Have Collectively Made the Decision to Awaken from the Dream
Like SaLuSa, Saul tells us that we must now release our attachment to Third-Dimensional reality. Even the notion that we can correct that reality leads to attachment and must be let go of. The minor pleasures we derive from 3D life persuade us that 3D is redeemable and perfectable and keep our attention on it. […]
SaLuSa: Leave Duality Behind and Try Not to Let It Influence You
Don’t overlook SaLuSa’s discussion here of the existence of a divine deadline for disclosure. SaLuSa 16-July-2010 You hear from many sources that your reality is an illusion, yet for you it is quite real as you experience the physicality of the 3rd. dimension. Yet it is an illusion inasmuch that it is not your true […]
Watch Out for Disinfo on Oil Spill
A report circulating on the Internet warns that the ocean floor is so fractured that it cannot be repaired and that a catastrophe is looming. (1) This report, although it does not say it, originally emanates from “Sorcha Faal.” (I’ll reproduce a portion of Faal’s report below.) Sorcha Faal, or David Booth, is not a […]
SaLuSa: Your Patience Will be Sorely Tested in the Immediate Future
In his July 5 message, SaLuSa prepares us for the eventual end of his and his colleagues’ messages in their present form after disclosure. He tells us that he will continue to communicate but as part of an effort that addresses all people. He reviews the new types of communication technology that will become available, […]