SaLuSa points to some of the contradictions in our lives and lifestyles and suggests an answer to the lack of meaning in our lives is to live them in service to others. He points out that service to others is a way of moving towards unconditional love and of achieving other ways of inner growth […]
Owen Waters: The Journey Through Human Experience
July 18, 2o10 In this physical world, the entire range of human experience varies all the way from caveman to cosmic consciousness. These are stages of development which both individuals and humanity as a whole pass through. As revealed in my first book, The Shift: the Revolution in Human Consciousness, much of the 20th […]
BP Paying Off Universities and Gulf Scientists En Masse to Hide Oil Spill Research Data from the Public
Thanks to Patte Posted by Alexander Higgins July 16, 2010 If the people of the Gulf have had one advocate throughout the BP Gulf Oil Spill it has been the scientific community. They have not been afraid to step and challenge BP and The Federal Government over the existence of underwater plumes, the dangers […]
Steve Greer and Ted Loder on Free-Energy Technology – Part 5/6
Patte has transcribed part 5 of Greer and Loder’s World Puja Network radio show on June 11, 2010. Only part 6 remains to be transcribed. I’ve sent all of them on the Steve Greer, who was most grateful. Thank you, Patte! Dr. Steven Greer: …even if you could sequester the carbon and pollution from [coal […]
As a Sovereign Citizen of Planet Earth, I Welcome the Galactics
As a sovereign citizen of planet Earth, I welcome the galactics. Let me now define my terms. My definition of “sovereign” is “self-governing or independent.” My definition of “citizen” is “a native inhabitant of a particular place.” Of “planet” is “a celestial body larger than an asteroid or comet, illuminated by light from a star […]
The New World Order Reveals Its Plan for World Depopulation and Servitude in the Art and Artifacts of Denver Airport
Now this one is really scary, but we owe it to our children to face up to it and educate ourselves on the subject. Apparently the New World Order has really overstepped itself this time and has built into plain-site features of Denver International Airport the complete story of what it is they intended to […]
22 Statistics That Prove That the Middle Class is Being Systematically Wiped Out in America
At least this was the plan – a plan that has failed. 22 Statistics That Prove That The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America July 17, 2010 The 22 statistics that you are about to read prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the middle class is being […]
Saul: Your New Leaders Will Have Great Visionary Capabilities
Lauren brought this message from Saul from Aug. 26, 2009 to my attention. Given that we are moving closer to the appointment of the caretaker administrations, I agree that it’s relevant for these times. Your new leaders will have great visionary capabilities 26 August 2009 Channeler: John Smallman As the power and influence of […]
Steve Greer and Ted Loder on Free-Energy Technology – Part 4/6
Lauren has done Part 4 of Steve Greer and Ted Loder’s talk on World Puja Network radio, from June 11, 2010. Thank you, Lauren! Dr. Steven Greer: And as I said, you know, a couple of years ago I met with a man in Washington , who was very close to the Bush administration and […]
Seep Found near BP's Capped Well: Official
Oh, oh. Thanks to D’Arcy. By CBC News Updated: July 18, 2010 Scientists are concerned about a seep and possible methane near BP’s capped oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, a federal official said Sunday. Both could be signs of leaks in the well that has now been plugged for three days. The […]
What Might Jesus Have Meant by Saying "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life?"
I was asked a question on how one can reconcile Jesus’ apparent statements that he was the only way to God with everything else that the galactics and ascended masters are saying. A supplementary question was how I regarded Jesus. What follows are just my views, not “the truth.” (I don’t know the truth, though […]
A Divine Syntax
I’ve just had a very pleasant discussion with a reader doing graduate work in biology. I don’t feel I have permission to use her name. But discussing matters with her suggests that it may be time to have another discussion I haven’t had in any detail for years. That other discussion is to connect a […]
U.S. Dispatches Aircraft Carrier to the Yellow Sea – Part 3/3
Here are relevant quotes from spirit and galactic teachers on the subject of war. These should be enough here to reassure you that nothing will come from manoeuvers in the Yellow Sea. These are taken from First Contact, a compendium of quotes on the 2012 scenario. ( Matthew’s Messages are at Messages from SaLuSa, […]
U.S. Dispatches Aircraft Carrier to the Yellow Sea – Part 2/3
The second thing I want to do is post my speculations. So now we have an aircraft carrier dispatched to the China Sea. The common tendency would be to focus on the fact that it’s an aircraft carrier, pride of the U.S. military. But I’d like to focus instead on what aircraft carrier it is […]
U.S. Dispatches Aircraft Carrier to the Yellow Sea – Part 1/3
I’m so fatigued today that I may only be able to issue two articles and rest for the remainder of the day. It could be the release that the Conscious Convergence is. I don’t know. The first thing I want to do is to post a three-part article on the U.S. action in the Yellow […]