Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I greet you all. You are dear to me. I have respect for you, respect for your courage and perseverance. You are vulnerable in your humanity: in the not-knowing, in the searching, in the entering unknown paths. I see your fear, the longing, the homesickness for the light, for security […]
Jesus via John Smallman: For God To Lack Anything Is Impossible
Audio version. As the year of Our Lord, 2017, draws to a close, make a point of giving thanks. There are none among you who have been completely without occasion to give thanks in 2017. Giving thanks is a very powerful energy exchange, much like forgiveness, which you should all also be offering to those you have […]
Jesus via John Smallman: As Humans Many of You Think or Assume That You Were Born Without any Input or Choice In the Matter
Audio version. As Christmas approaches and the year draws to a close, much is happening for all humans at a level that is far below their conscious awareness, and this is bringing into their normal conscious awareness discomfort, unsettling thoughts and ideas, and much confusion. For a very long time people have been accustomed to […]
Master Jesus via Natalie Glasson: Transformation and the Seat of Your Perceptions
Audio version. Video version. Beloved souls upon the Earth, journeying through illusion and truth to recognize the magnificence within your being. I honor you now and give my thanks for your presence upon the Earth. I am overjoyed by every challenge you move through, awakening more light into your being. I am delighted by every […]
Jesus via John Smallman: As Creators Your Abilities are Limitless
Audio version. As humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate, know that it is unstoppable. The collective has made the choice and the decision to awaken, and that intent goes on intensifying. There are signs of your awakening everywhere. However, at the same time, much is arising that is not in complete alignment with Love, and […]
Jesus via John Smallman: There is Absolutely Nothing to Fear
Audio version. As you well know – YES, you DO! – you are all dearly loved. So let go of your doubts, they are utterly and completely invalid. You are presently in human form, and you know, because Saul and I and various other channels keep telling you and reminding you, that every human without […]
Jesus via John Smallman: Love is, of Course, The Antidote to Fear, Being All That is Real
Audio version. There is only One, but It is infinitely vast, and It is You at One with Source, your Creator, from Whom you are never and can never be separated. So relax, all is well and always will be, as you will fully understand when you awaken from the dream that has been causing […]
Jesus via John Smallman: Dreams Always End And The Dreamer Always Awakens
Audio version. Everyone, all of humanity, is becoming aware that there is no separation, because modern physicists have proclaimed it in public many times now, but the vast majority of humanity has no idea what that really means. Those of you reading or listening to this blog, and to other uplifting and inspiring ones, know that it relates to […]
Jesus via John Smallman: You Can Change The Way You Experience Life
Audio version. The divine plan for your awakening is unfolding in the only way it can – PERFECTLY! There is only Father/Mother/God, Source, Love, and because of Its nature It is always perfect. There is no other possibility. Because you are God’s divine children, each and everyone of you without exceptions of any kind whatsoever, […]
Jesus via John Smallman: Humanity’s Awakening is the Change You Wish to See in the World
Audio version. As the moment for humanity’s Grand Awakening draws ever closer, the energy of the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify to assist you in your preparations for this most wondrous event. I know that many of you have doubts, because it seems that you have been waiting for this divinely promised event for […]
Jesus via John Smallman: Your Human Form Can Block Love or Allow It
Audio version. As Saul has told you, enormous changes are underway for all of humanity and for Planet Earth. These changes are an essential part of humanity’s awakening process, of becoming truly aware that all are One, One with Source, Mother/Father/God, the divine Intelligence, the divine Wisdom, All That Is. There is no separation! Separation is an […]
Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Life, Consciousness and the Heritage of Ancient Egypt
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I salute you all at the bank of the Nile! I am so pleased to be with you. As a family, we gather together time and again, in different places and within different cultures. There’s a common thread which unites and guides us; it is the thread of life and […]
Jesus via John Smallman: Know That You Will Awaken Into Unimaginable Joy
Audio version. Healing is occurring on a vast scale all across the planet as humanity engages with its awakening process. The news media focuses on the conflicts and political upheavals worldwide as it attempts to increase the sense of fear that is endemic all across the planet. But what they report show very clearly indeed […]
Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: The Dance With Darkness
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I greet you all. I am with you as a like-minded friend, an equal. Accept me as your brother. I want to be with you and to hold your hand. It is easier for me to see life from a higher and wider perspective than is possible for you at […]
Jesus via John Smallman: God Never Judges You But Only and Always Loves You Infinitely
Audio version. This is a pivotal moment in human history. Enormous changes are underway as your attitudes and beliefs go through extensive cleansing, releasing, reinterpreting, and renewing in preparation for your imminent awakening. It is imminent, and the chaos and conflict that fills your news channels is a very clear indication of this. There are […]
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