SaLuSa reviews our history as a “prison planet.” He explains the reasons why the Light is more powerful than the dark. He tells us that the more we reduce the dark energy, the less Mother Earth will have to do to cleanse herself. He tells us that the galactics have been allowed to stop any […]
U.S. Dispatches Aircraft Carrier to the Yellow Sea – Part 1/3
I’m so fatigued today that I may only be able to issue two articles and rest for the remainder of the day. It could be the release that the Conscious Convergence is. I don’t know. The first thing I want to do is to post a three-part article on the U.S. action in the Yellow […]
Have Faulty Chips Crippled the U.S. Military?
This first article, published in 2007, is being posted to inform people that China may have the ability to cause all American military hardware that uses Chinese motherboards to fail under operational conditions. All may be infected with Trojans specifically placed there by the Chinese to thwart the American military. This then is the first […]
Bill Morgan: Weaponization
Part 4 of a seven-part series. 3. Weaponization Scalar interferometry, Tesla howitzer, Tesla dome, heat/cold, dudding, 10 nations have them, dead-man fusing & Insane Systems, scalar strategy, earthquakes and weather wars, solar storms, mind attacks, leased to Yakuza, many examples of testing, quantum potential weapons. “Indeed, Soviet energetics weapons are now capable of destroying both […]
The Illuminati's Plan for World War III Warning: This interview is long. A witness with a military background and a position of influence within the City of London has come forward and offered Bill Ryan of Project Camelot a view into Illuminati plans for World War III. Apparently the Illuminati plan to use nuclear and biological weapons to cement their control […]