(Continued from part 2 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2010/10/02/the-importance-of-disclosure-part-23/) What Is Their Mission? Speaking through Mike Quinsey in mid-2008, the ascended master, the Comte de St. Germain, revealed that a divine plan existed to lift us out of the Third Dimension. “There is an immutable plan that is well advanced for your final experiences, that shall lift you […]
D.L Zeta: The Transformation Has Begun: Heightened Perception and New Oceans of Possibility
The Transformation Has Begun: Heightened Perception and New Oceans of Possibility D.L. Zeta https://celestialvision.squarespace.com/celestial-vision-newsletter/our-most-recent-newsletter/ The intense energies of Summer 2010 blazed a path for new levels of transformation that now allow each person to access the next phase of intuitive perception and heightened consciousness. During this transition, your conscious mind may struggle and resist the […]
UFO Sighting over Shandong
Fairly dramatic UFO sighting over Shandong recently. https://www.allnewsweb.com/page1199999436.php Michael Cohen An incredible and somewhat unique UFO has been seen by dozens of witnesses hovering above the Chinese city of Shandong. The night-time UFO sighting occurred only days ago but the video is already making its way through the Chinese Internet and astonishing UFO enthusiasts. One lucky witness […]
Unrest in Europe over "Austerity"
Spain has been in the grip of a 24-hour general strike against the government’s austerity measures. The criticism of austerity measures is that they tend to pass the impact of recessions on to the poorest sectors of the population. During the 1980s and 1990s, after currency speculators caused market crashes in predominantly Asian countries, the […]
Is the President Protected?
In light of David Wilcock’s speculations about the growing Illuminati threat to President Obama, let me review what SaLuSa and Matthew have said recently about the President and his situation. First of all, in September of 2009, SaLuSa said that the galactics are protecting the President. “Our main focus is on the U.S.A. as it […]
David Wilcock: Disclosure is Reaching a Critical Mass
This is an excerpt from David’s latest blog. Again his emphasis on disclosure seems to suggest that he knows something we don’t. What that may be, I don’t know and could only guess at. In his article he says: “DISCLOSURE IS REACHING A CRITICAL MASS “It’s satisfying for me on a personal level, considering I’ve […]
Alfred Lambremont Webre: Facebook at 517 Million Users Suppresses ET/UFO Disclosure with Cointelpro Spying, Censorship
Alfred Lambremont Webre Facebook at 517 million users suppresses ET/UFO disclosure with cointelpro spying, censorship Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, October 1st, 2010 1:20 am PT With the premiere of a blockbuster movie The Social Network (Tagline: “You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies”), social network website Facebook.com – whose approximately 517,760,460 […]
Michael Salla: Mystery Behind Initial Report of UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact
Mystery behind initial report of UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact Michael Salla Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner September 29th, 2010 https://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-honolulu/mystery-behind-initial-report-of-un-liaison-for-extraterrestrial-first-contact?cid=examiner-email On Sept 26, I reported on a breaking story that at an upcoming Royal Society conference, the head of the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Dr Mazlan Othman, was to reveal how […]
Dreaming at the Center of My Being
Before posting a couple of dreams I had, I’d like to post a dream that Chris had on Sept. 30, which he shared on Share11: This morning before waking I dreamt I was standing in front of an oval-shaped stargate, about the side of a large mirror. Peering into it, I saw another dimension, with […]
SaLuSa: Many of You Originally Came from Star Nations
SaLuSa’s message today is absolutely incredible for me because I had a dream last night which fits so well into it. I wrote up the dream before I read his message, but I haven’t posted it because there is so much else that is happening that is also remarkable that I’m behind in terms of […]
David Wilcock on Possible Plot to Kill Obama
Chris has brought to our attention a remarkable post by David Wilcock on Ben Fulford’s blogsite. David has contested Ben’s view of President Obama but has also shone the spotlight on what he feels to be a massive manipulation of the public designed to stoke racial hatred and provide a pretext for the assassination of […]
Realism and Certainty: Making Sense of Mayhem
Riots are breaking out in Europe, disclosure is in the wind, and President Obama has just made comments to Bob Woodward that beg interpretation. Not like I can cover all these events right now. I can’t. But I can cover the context in which we hold them. My comment is about our tendency to use […]
Hastings Panel Reportage Ripples Through Media – Good Sign
Revised to reflect the removal of Hastings Panel videos from Youtube, CNN, etc. Notice one countertrend here however. The videos posted by both Youtube and television stations are being taken down after a day or so of being released. This could indicate some blowback from the forces opposed to disclosure. Well, the news links are […]
French Whistleblower Reveals Swiss Banks Helping Rich Evade Taxes
A French employee of HSBC has revealed that Swiss banks are assisting their rich customers to evade taxes in their home countries. None of this will shock readers here, but it’s become public knowledge now because of whistleblower and former head of HSBC computer secrurity, Herve Falciani, and has led to criminal prosecutions. When HSBC […]
NESARA Awareness Day
Because today is the end of the American fiscal year and rumors are circulating about a bank closure and changeover to NESARA, I decided it would be a good thing to repost a number of articles about NESARA, to provide what I believe are accurate messages on the subject. The first thing that needs to […]