The Divine Mother summarizes what the new human will be like: Divine Mother: We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human, conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined. And you are doing it not by leaving, but by staying. (1) As […]
Signs You are Transitioning into a Crystalline Body
I have very little time for videos these days so I post this sight-unseen, based on the transcript, below. If I had time, I’d watch it! BTW, I have many of these symptoms! (Or go to Feeling a deeper earth connection lately? Experiencing physical and spiritual changes like never before? You might be […]
5 Benefits of Listening to 528 Hz Music
by Calia White Of the known Solfeggio frequencies, the frequency 528 HZ has healing powers beyond the mind. It’s able to directly influence the physical body and makings of a human. Don’t believe that? Read on. Like many others, when I heard about the healing power of sound, I was skeptical. Upon actually learning […]
Archangel Michael through Ronna Vezane: The Process You are Actually Going Through Right Now
I was answering a reader’s question on the photon belt when I came across this remarkable passage from Archangel Michael through Ronna. It seemed, as I read it, as if someone had written my biography, it so resonated with me. Is this really what’s going on? I’ve added footnotes to show why it would […]
Sheila Hill: Ascension Symptoms
Many are having the experience of what humans call “sickness”. For those on the physical ascension path that is unlikely what is happening. There is a energy playing out right now that is fine tuned for the opportunities and events that are ‘coming’ into play both individually and for the collective. Shelia’s video will […]
The Importance of Earth’s Ascension
Leaving the awareness of pain to the back stage again, I’d like to take a look at the wider significance of our Ascension. To do that, I’d like to begin with the Divine Mother, “the ultimate architect,” according to Archangel Michael. (1) The Divine Mother’s Plan Our Ascension, apparently, is unique in the universe, for […]
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Happy Independence Day, America! And what a struggle it is at the moment as liberty is in need of rescue again. The American Constitution guarantees to all people life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I understand “life” and “liberty.” But, ever since I was a young child, I wondered what “the pursuit of happiness” […]
Solar Being: Your Bodies
by Vania Rodriguez Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ANIMANI! THE SOLAR BEING! I bring along with me Light, a lot of Light. And at this moment I fill the heart of everyone who is listening to me with Love, with surrender, with this ball of Light. My brothers, the Light is powerful; […]
What Happens on Earth Affects the Entire Universe
I feel the need to put in focus what’s happening here on Earth. Words like “historic” or even “Earth-shattering” don’t do it justice. Its importance goes beyond Earth or even the solar system. The importance of this Ascension extends to the whole universe. What happens here on Earth in the course of our Ascension affects […]
A New Creation: A New Species of Human
Have you ever heard the Divine Mother, the creator, preserver, and transformer of worlds, get excited about anything? Well, she sounds excited about what’s being created out of this new form of Ascension. In 2014, she told me: Divine Mother: This is unique. It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all […]
Change Upon Change
The Divine Mother and Archangel Michael have said that all on the planet at this time are angelics – angels, archangels, seraphim, etc. This is so, apparently, to get the job done, which I imagine we’d appreciate if we knew the true significance of this Ascension. (1) It’s also being done to make the job […]
The Transformation from Carbon Base to Crystalline Body – Part 4 (2013)
Probably some of the most perplexing questions have to do with the transmutation of the physical body from carbon to crystalline base. I’d like to repost a four-part series from 2013 looking at this process. (Concluded from Part 3.) What Happens to Those who Refuse the Light? What happens to those who choose not to […]
Call Of The Ancient – Body Changes
by Teri Wade We are changing on a molecular level. (Cellular transformation) Many of you are experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness, feeling of spinning and loss of emotional centering. A fundamental change is taking place in your house meaning we are changing our DNA while living in it. We are genetic engineers of the New […]
The Transformation from Carbon Base to Crystalline Body – Part 3 (2013)
Probably some of the most perplexing questions have to do with the transmutation of the physical body from carbon to crystalline base. I’d like to repost a four-part series from 2013 looking at this process. (Continued from Part 2.) Physical Issues Due in Part to Change to Crystalline The ongoing change from a carbon-based to […]
The Transformation from Carbon Base to Crystalline Body – Part 2 (2013)
Probably some of the most perplexing questions have to do with the transmutation of the physical body from carbon to crystalline base. I’d like to repost a four-part series from 2013 looking at this process. (Continued from Part 1.) Life in the Mental Planes in Our Crystalline Forms Before we look at the other advantages […]