The Divine Mother summarizes what the new human will be like:
Divine Mother: We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human, conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined. And you are doing it not by leaving, but by staying. (1)
As the Divine Mother pointed out, all of this is a first:
DM: This is unique. It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all this expanse, that this is new? (2)
DM: You’re the wayshowers … of a new level of species. (3)
Until she said it, I could not imagine it.
Ivo of Vegas dubbed the new species “homo universalis.” (4) Species replacement will be immediate and invisible: Simply, no more homo sapiens will be born.
We lightworkers are riding the wave between the old and the new. And the multiverse is watching our new departure.
So that’s why I say that the eyes of the multiverse are upon us. You know how when you embarrass yourself and your friend over there could see it coming and didn’t say anything?
Well, this is that circumstance and I’m saying: We are in the midst of a new kind of consciousness shift from a lower to a higher dimension of consciousness and the whole multiverse is watching. You may want to consider that as you respond to unparalleled events around you. Executing our enemies? Revenging ourselves in other ways? How do we want multiversal history to represent us?
Nothing dark can come with us and the rise in lovelight levels to the dark ones is making life more and more difficult. Their fate is to leave the planet without us needing to speed them on their way. (5)
Moreover, the rise in lovelight is bringing Earth’s population together, specifically in the White Hat Global Military Alliance, to end the rule of darkness on Earth.
That alliance is in the process of carrying out the higher universal counsel’s ruling that this time the dark rule will end. Says Matthew Ward:
“Universal councils that set standards for civilizations’ interactions … hold that the reign of darkness on the planet is over for once and for all.” (6)
“These are the end times for evildoing! The time is up for deception, cruelty, warring, oppression and everything else based in darkness!” (7)
Enough! Enough! It’s asking enough that you take this much in. If you want to continue, here’s a whole library of books which expands on everything I just said. (8)
When people are running around looking for the answer to the question, what in the name of heaven is going on here? Does anyone know?
… now you know the answer.
(1) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” July 12, 2014, at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) The Divine Mother, channeled by Linda Dillon, in “The New You” Course, Nov. 28, 2020.
(4) Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021. at
(5) See Stop the Executions! at
(6) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2023, at
(7) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 1, 2024, at
(8) “Bibliography” at
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