St. Germaine is reportedly the man in the hat, in the circle.
Happy Independence Day, America!
And what a struggle it is at the moment as liberty is in need of rescue again.
The American Constitution guarantees to all people life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I understand “life” and “liberty.” But, ever since I was a young child, I wondered what “the pursuit of happiness” meant and why it was in there.
My best guess, as an adult, is that “happiness” is a divine state and, like any divine state, leads us Home. We should have the right to pursue what leads us back to God.
Certainly on all the higher realms we are freed from labor to pursue whatever brings us happiness.

Comte de St. Germain
We know St. Germaine (the “unknown Professor”) attended the deliberations and even helped design the first American flag. (2)
The famous painting at the head of the article records him at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In this painting, which also appears on the US $2 bill, St. Germaine appears at the back, in the hat (inside the circle).
He’d have been a treasure trove of mystical truths and in fact is described as the mentor of Washington and Franklin. He’d know about the journey Home.
Happiness is, by definition, a state in which all is well; no, all is super. We are, as a result, happy.
And “the pursuit of” it – a world that “pursued” any of the divine states would be a mirror of the higher realms.
New Maps of Heaven details life on the astral planes, where to do otherwise than to pursue what brings happiness would be unthinkable. (3)
What makes the difference between here and there? For one thing, we’re wandering around in these dense, non-conductive physical bodies that make experiencing any divine state and even many feelings difficult. So we don’t experience as much happiness as they do.
For another thing, these dense bodies are subject to disease, hunger, thirst, cold, etc. We’re so busy seeing to their needs by working for money, tending to families, etc., that, unless we can spiritualize all of it, we remain largely distracted.
Third, the love they experience on the astral planes eclipses any experience of it we have here. It’s this love that makes the largest difference and yet is taken for granted, like the air we breathe.
But soon we’ll have universal basic incomes, thanks to NESARA. And replicators which will free us from buying, cooking, and storing. And med beds, which will cure disease. For the short time remaining in 4D, all other things being equal (which is not at all certain), our lives will be as happy as they can be while still in an untransformed physical body.
And soon again we’ll find ourselves, after stages, ascended to a higher dimension where none of our cares exist.
We’re bringing Heaven to Earth by allowing people the freedom to pursue happiness – and the other divine states now instead of waiting for Ascension.
And Heaven is slowly descending in response.
(1) St. Germaine is reportedly on the back of the American $2 bill (the same painting appears at the head of the article).
(2) See “The Mysterious Rosicrucian who was the Father of the American Republic,”
(3) See New Maps of Heaven at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=New_Maps_of_Heaven
Neil Oliver looks at the pursuit of happiness. Thanks to John.