I can see that I’m on a journey of recovery, as are so many of us. The lessons of the journey seem to be cumulative. The experience of gentleness recently opened a new door of experience for me but it was also the latest in many lessons over time that were showing me the tremendous […]
The Start of Something Great
Best wishes on Easter Sunday! I just saw a demonstration of will that I can’t pass by commenting on because I personally am going to need to be the undeniable driver of my will in (I hope) a short time. It began when some painful feelings flitted across my mind. I noticed them. I resolved […]
A Revival of Our Will
You know that I’m very much taken right now with the exercise of the will. One day when I was around seven or eight, my Dad shouted at me from inches away. I shattered into a thousand pieces and only came back together again (the Humpty Dumpty Man) at age 58. So my will has […]
Putting Humpty Together Again – Part 3/3
The next day I was still exploring determination in my journal … when suddenly the penny dropped. We pick up the thread. I’m not talking about a goosestepping, maniacal, ego-driven determination to command others, etc. I’m talking about the resuscitation of our ability to stand on our own word, on our own two feet, and […]
Putting Humpty Together Again – Part 2/3
By age 57 I’d become one again. But this one was leaning against a wall, playing cards with the boys, shooting the breeze. It lacked a leader. There was no one driving the car. Now I pick up the story as of yesterday. While the subject of determination had been buzzing around in the background […]
Putting Humpty Together Again – Part 1/3
I’ve just been through an incredible healing, which doesn’t surprise me. My life seems to have speeded up incredibly. It’s as if I get one piece of my own puzzle every day and each piece leads to more growth. I’m going to walk you through the healing scenario, but first I need you to know […]
What Changes Can Be Seen?
One of my tasks is to go through Ascension publicly to provide others with a comparison point or at least a view of the changes happening to one person as a result of the uplifting energies we’re all experiencing. One change may take a little explaining, by way of background. When my Dad shouted at […]