Our regular Lauren Gorgo. Thanks to Jude. After Ascension, I’m going to miss this routine. Or will it be easier? Lauren Gorgo Your Powers Are Returning…Exponentially! -the Spiritual Hierarchy Wednesday, July 14, 2010 https://www.thinkwithyourheart.net/ The Spiritual Hierarchy: Collectively, your planet has reached a critical crux of magnificent opportunity both for the masses, as well as […]
Looking Back on the Harmonic Convergence of Aug. 16-7, 1987
The Harmonic Convergence of August 16-7, 1987 was a celebration of planetary quickening and rebirth, inspired by Dr. Jose Arguelles. The Earth’s renaissance was predicted by the Mayans to start at this time and to culminate, at the end of a 26,000-year cycle, in the winter solstice of Dec. 21, 2012. During this transitional period, […]
One Part of Six-Part Series Transcribed
My thanks to Jeremiah for transcribing Part 1 of the six-part series by Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Ted Loderer on how to heal the Gulf oil spill. (I don’t give out last names on this site.) Ann has volunteered to do a section as well, which leaves four more sections to go. Dr. Greer […]
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles: A Powerful Opportunity for Unity Consciousness
The Conscious Convergence takes place July 17-8. I would imagine all wayshowers will come together for this event in some way. Here Patricia Diane Cota-Robles sets the context. Thanks to Marilyn By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles https://www.eraofpeace.org/ We have just emerged from the unprecedented influence of several very powerful planetary alignments, an exceptionally powerful Solstice, and […]
Mattis New Centcom Commander
Read and weep. Gen. Patton revisited. I’m sure the appointment of Gen. James Mattis, previously head of U.S. Joint Forces Command, to succeed Gen. David Petraus at Centcom makes sense somehow but his gaffes in past commands dismay me. The video tells the story and the article below it amplifies. Among them: “Actually, it’s a […]
Billy Cooper: The Secret Government – Part 8/8
Well, not all of what Cooper said is of equal utility, but it’s still of interest to hear what an early lightworker was saying and thinking, even if it has fallen by the wayside today. Vatican Archives reveals ‘End Times’ Prophecy True The events at Fatima in the early part of the century were scrutinized. […]
Dr. Greer's Seminal Talk: We Can Stop the Oil Leak in 30 Minutes – Transcribers Requested
Dr. Steven Greer’s discussion of the need to reveal and liberate free-energy and anti-gravity technology to save this planet from “planeticide” (what Dr. Rosalie Bertell called “omnicide”) (1) is, in my view, one of the seminal discussions that has taken place on this planet in recent months. Dr. Greer, aided by Dr. Ted Loderer, tells […]
Steve Greer and Ted Loder on Free-Energy Technology – Part 3/6
And here is part 3, thanks to Roz. Part 2 will come tomorrow. In this part, Steve Greer introduces the topic of “Murder Incorporated.” Greer has been reluctant to speak as forthrightly as he is at this moment, he said, because he does not want to antagonize Washington people by pushing too hard. But in […]
Saul: The Transition that You are About to Undergo will be an Experience of Glorious Exhilaration
Saul through John Smallman July 14, 2010 https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com As humanity prepares itself to return to Reality, by awakening into its natural state of full consciousness, there is great joy and excited anticipation in the spiritual realms, as we see you all stirring in your sleep. We look forward eagerly to the moment of your awakening […]
Dylan Ratigan Roasts Rep. Kevin Brady
I’m not a great fan of this style of assaulting each other with words, but I certainly appreciate Dylan Ratigan’s frustration at hearing the same talking points instead of a truthful inquiry. Dylan Ratigan “interviews” (roasts) Republican Rep. Kevin Brady over crony capitalism. Thanks to Arcanum Dark Secrets.
Woman Calls Police, Gets Tased
What causes this madness? Woman calls police about prowler, ends up getting tased . Steve Watson — Infowars.com Thanks to Arcanum Dark Secrets https://tinyurl.com/24pxlpl Two Georgia cops have lost their jobs after a video emerged of them macing and tasing a 57 year old woman who simply called to report a prowler outside her house. […]
The Military Awakens….
This video is from a year or so ago, but it’s a good reminder… . Mike Prysner, an Iraqi vet, declares his inability to support war any longer. Given that the war is being waged to control oil and to ensure control of stargates and portals unknown to the general public, it’s about time we […]
Blossom Goodchild: It Has Begun. Can You Feel It?
A warm welcome to all who visit my blog. Make sure you check out my website on www.blossomgoodchild.com. It has begun. Can you feel it? Jul 13, 2010 Remember we are here at this time because we are the ones who volunteered and were chosen. So many asked and yet WE are the ONES who […]
Apparent Moves Against Iran Continue
Again, apparent moves are occurring which seem to lead in the direction of an attack on Iran. Matthew Ward has told his readers that “there will be no war with Iran.” (1) The galactics as a group have said that nuclear bombs will not be permitted to be used on the planet. They have also […]