I don’t think we’re going to get where we want to go using the concepts we’re using right now. Liberals, conservatives, even left and right do not fit what’s actually happening. I mean that on two levels. The first is that the people who left the Democratic Party mostly left it because they were wanting […]
From Santa to Satan: Today’s Lockstep is to Shut Down Christmas
I read a while back that one of the deep state’s plans was to cancel Christmas. So, make adult/child sex legal, trash gender identity, cancel Christmas – move everyone away from established religion, tradition, and celebrations over here to…. I can’t say it. Any distraction in a storm. I’m not going to cite this article […]
Meet My Ego
One thing I notice about lightworkers bringing their subjects to their audiences and non-lightworkers is that lightworkers, though they’re serving some narrative (the Divine Mother’s Plan), are not after profile. They don’t wait for the laugh. They don’t capitalize on moments. Their attention is on asking and answering the question and not on how it […]
The Day of the Dictators is Over
What is it about the use of force to make a population adhere to the will of a dictator that causes it to ultimately fail? The Company of Heaven discusses the matter. Let’s start by looking at the fact that evil constructions and other false grids do not have the wherewithal to last. Sanat Kumara […]
Shirley: Prayers and Decrees for the Protection and Liberation of the Children
An email received from “Shirley”: Dear Steve and Golden Age of Gaia team, I’m a mother of a 10-year-old boy whose father is a satanic pedophile. Our lives are more than ever at risk and as things are getting pretty serious I’m trying to create a momentum of prayers and decrees for the liberation and […]
The Divine State of Weeping
This is taking some of the pressure off me to just write ethnographically for a while, as an aware and awakening person going through Ascension. I’m actually working on two books at once in the background and I can manage that. But I can’t manage it plus writing an article a day plus the onset […]
When Disney Tries to Sell Me Satan: A Thousand No’s
Disney is bringing out an “adult” cartoon series called Little Demon. The Gateway Pundit review says: “The series features demonic witchcraft, pagan rituals, gratuitous blood, gore and nudity, and judging by the trailer (included here, but not recommended) can easily be considered pornographic by definition.” (1) I watched it. I’m not wanting to post it. […]
Lightwarrior Work: The Broken Spell
Lightwarrior Work: The Broken Spell 16/11/2020 https://awakeningspark.com/blog/lightwarrior-work-the-broken-spell I am sometimes asked about the reality of Lightwork. To be more specific, Lightwarrior work. To the layperson, even the existence of dark forces seem to be a stretch. Having been doing this for several years, I have seen real, physical, and tangible results of energy work, including Lightwarrior […]