This is a long read, posted in full, illustrating how oil companies avoid paying for clean-up of closed or non-producing wells. Shell Game Andrew Nikiforuk,, 20 May 2020 ( Alberta has a huge problem with drill site clean up and dicey deals shifting who pays. Mike Judd had enough, so the cowboy fought and […]
Planet Hearts 13th Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration – April 22, 2020 – 6:00 to 9:30pm EST and more. . . all day Unify, UPLIFT
Planet Hearts 13th Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration April 22, 2020 from 6:00pm – 9:30pm EST Global Synchronized Meditation and Prayer Broadcast Every year on April 22nd we gather to celebrate our Earth Mother, that which sustains us and gives us life. It is time to turn our attention away from the panic […]
Nicholas Ginex: Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-Point Energy
This may be just a review for most readers. It’s encouraging to hear someone calling for the release of free-energy – or zero-point-energy – technology. Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-Point Energy Nicholas Ginex,, Feb. 21, 2019 On February 17, 2019, FOX News Channel presented the new TV show, Life, Liberty & Levin. It […]
Time for Dialogue in Canada
Canada’s Prime Minister is cutting his overseas trip short to start dialogue about the protests over the Translink pipeline, Indigenous lands and their rights. The list of grievances is long and has been ongoing for years. National Chief Perry Bellegarde speaks his mind below, February 16, 2020: Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller, February 15, 2020, […]
Oil and Pipelines are Yesterday’s Technology: Bring on Free Energy
All this hubbub about oil and pipelines is so much wasted breath, if you’ll permit me to say it. Oil and pipelines are yesterday’s technology. We’ve had free-energy technology since the early Fifties, if I’m correct. We don’t need oil or pipelines – except perhaps to carry water. What is free energy? I’ll let Goldenlight’s […]
Pipeline Protests Spread from Coast to Coast in Canada
Pipeline Protests Spread from Coast to Coast But it’s the railway protests that have galvanized the most attention across the country By Tyler Dawson, National Post, February 12, 2020 EDMONTON — As protests against a natural gas pipeline through the interior of British Columbia continued across the country on Wednesday, two Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs […]
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 7/7
(Continued from Part 6, yesterday.) Energy has always been free Commander Ashira finds the fact that terrestrials charge for energy to be “peculiar.” “There is a trend that we have noted amongst many of our beloved Lightworkers to talk about free energy. Energy has always been free. It is only part of the old paradigm […]
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 6/7
(Continued from Part 5, yesterday.) Oil is Mother Earth’s lifeblood We may not know it, but oil is vital to Mother Earth’s well-functioning. Our sources compare it to the planet’s lifeblood. It forms an essential lubricant of the tectonic plates, Goldenlight’s sources tell us. “The oil that is currently being extracted from Mother Earth/Gaia’s body […]
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 5/7
(Continued from Part 4, yesterday.) Free-energy people are still underground What’s happening to bring about the sharing of this new and beneficial technology? Wes Annac’s sources tell us: “Myriad individuals and organizations on your planet are coming to understand free energy and are working diligently to bring its technology to the world, and the first […]
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 4/7
(Continued from Part 3, yesterday.) Free-energy devices have been around since Tesla’s day. So what’s the problem? The problem is that the military and elites have sequestered them for their own use and advantage. Most of the public have never heard of free energy. These devices, the Pleiadian High Council tells us, “have been around […]
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 3/7
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.) What free energy is and does What exactly is free energy? Goldenlight’s sources help us here as well, to understand the nature and uses of free energy. “Free energy utilizes and harnesses the inherent co-creative energy of the Creator Source which is energy that permeates everything and All That Is. […]
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 1/7
The best way to envision what we might do by way of building Nova Earth, I think, is to consider what the nature and shape of society will be after our lightwork has borne fruit. We know where we and the Company of Heaven are headed; we have a good general idea. Goldenlight’s description of […]
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 2/7
(Continued from Part 1, above.) Nova Earth will have a New Kind of Energy – Free Energy Goldenlight’s informants tell us that Nova Earth will have a new energy source, generally known as “free energy.” Other names for it are scalar energy and energy from the Void. “This New Earth has FREE ENERGY, wherein the […]
Yemen Genocide About Oil Control
Yemen Genocide About Oil Control F. William Engdahl, Global Research, November 20, 2018 httpss:// The ongoing de facto genocide in the Republic of Yemen in a war whose most intense phase began in 2015, has until very recently been all but ignored in the Western mainstream media. What has also been ignored is the fundamental […]
The Movement to Divest from Fossil Fuels Gains Momentum
The Movement to Divest from Fossil Fuels Gains Momentum Bill McKibben, New Yorker, December 21, 2017 Time and again, the petroleum industry has used its political might to stymie global action on climate change. Now cities and states have become the new battleground. Tuesday should have been a day of unmitigated joy for America’s oil […]