Republican-controlled House of Representatives CUTS FUNDING to GLOBALIST institutions and the climate hoax Ramon Tomey, Natural News, 10/09/2023 ( The U.S. House of Representatives, which is dominated by the Republican Party, has cut funding to the United Nations and several other globalist institutions. The House Appropriations Committee (HAC), led by its chairperson Rep. Kay Granger […]
Cathy Buckle: Letter from Zimbabwe, April 13, 2023
Gold, the Curse of Zimbabwe Dear Family and Friends, These mid April days it is cool and misty in the mornings. The grass is dying back and turning golden. T he red hot pokers are flowering in the wetlands and the termites are back in the trees, their orange soil tunnels tracking skywards. We wake […]
Why Bother Keeping Cash Alive?
Eventually cash itself will disappear but, until it’s safe, cash is a big signal to the deep state financial empire that, sheeple or not, we no longer want to be fleeced. More importantly, it’s a concerted action and shows of unity are what we need to tip this over. Why bother keeping cash alive? ( […]
The Mixed Blessing of Automation – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) (From “Automation and Business Darwinism,” at In order to provide a snapshot of the automation of work, I chose to study a corporate travel magazine during the years 1996 to 1998 — the Business Travel News or BTN. Trade magazines like it are all that are available to a […]
Citizen’s Basic Income Trust Podcast: What is Basic Income? Part 1 and Part 2
2 – 30 minute podcasts for novices, sceptics and enthusiasts to explore the wonders of Basic Income. How to overcome poverty and inequality one episode at a time. Some of the discussion points in the first podcast: the natural resources of this planet are for all the people but many have been excluded from that […]
Building a Global Economy That Was Bound to Fail
Building a Global Economy That Was Bound to Fail John Perkins, Yes! Magazine, Sept. 16, 2020 ( A former economic hit man describes his part in setting up what he calls a “Death Economy.” John Perkins was a highly paid economist pushing corporate interests in the developing world, a role he revealed in his bestseller, […]
Out With Predatory Capitalism, In With a “Life Economy”
Out With Predatory Capitalism, In With a “Life Economy” John Perkins, Yes! Magazine, Sept. 16, 2020 ( The long march of hierarchical and colonial history has led us to this moment of awareness. We are learning that the melting glaciers, coronavirus pandemic, species extinctions, racial and income inequality, political turmoil, and other heart-wrenching events are […]
Ending All Harmful Systems and Practices
What do we want the legal system to look like in Nova Earth? Do we want legislative bills with loads of self-serving, pork-barrel amendments? Do we want judges elected or appointed politically – Democrat and Republican judges? Do we want prisons to be for profit? Incarceration has been shown to have become an industry in […]